DKE – Ured MEDIA Hrvatske ponosno objavljuje da je hrvatski kratki igrani film "Sveta nedjelja" redateljice i scenaristice Gorane Jovanović te producentice Inje Korać (Cobra Chicks Zagreb) na temelju prvog evaluacijskoga kruga predložen za sudjelovanje u sklopu projekta EURO CONNECTION 2024.
Film "Sveta nedjelja", kao i ostali projekti koje je odobrio stručni žiri pojedinih zemalja, bit će podvrgnut daljnjem ocjenjivanju koje će provesti međunarodni žiri, a konačna odluka o sudjelovanju filma na projektu Euro Connection 2024. bit će donesena krajem ovoga mjeseca.
Za sudjelovanje u navedenom programu ove je godine kao hrvatski predstavnik predložen projekt Sveta nedjelja, redateljice i scenaristice Gorane Jovanović te producentice Inje Korać (Cobra Chicks Zagreb), a koji nastoji prikazati kako izgleda jedna nedjelja u bezimenom gradiću i što ona predstavlja različitim ljudima. Scenarij je adaptacija pjesme "Sveta nedjelja i drugi" književnika Milana Milišića, a sam projekt sufinancirao je Hrvatski audiovizualni centar.
Domaći žiri koji je evaluirao pristigle projekte činile su redateljica animiranih filmova i animatorica Petra Zlonoga, producentica Morana Ikić Komljenović (Little Red Dot) te voditeljica DKE ‒ Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske Martina Petrović.
Svoju je odluku o predlaganju projekta "Sveta nedjelja" za daljnju evaluaciju žiri obrazložio na sljedeći način:
"Kratkometražni igrani film 'Sveta nedjelja' Gorane Jovanović intrigantno proviruje kroz ključanicu intimnosti u svijet svakodnevnog života, dovitljivo skrivenog u motiv nedjelje i u radoznalost prema načinima na koje promišljamo naše tjedne prostore slobode. Inspiracija za ovu filmsku priču je pjesma Milana Milišića 'Sveta nedjelja i drugi'.
Autorica svojim mozaičnim pristupom pričanju priče te snažnim vizualnim interpretacijama emocija i u ovom planiranom projektu ne zaostaje za svojim prethodnim radovima. Uvodi nas u svijet snažne atmosfere koju gradi na segmentima prepoznatljivih motiva i scena, poigravajući se pritom stereotipovima i općim mjestima. Ta igra je suptilna, mjestimice crnohumorna, ali precizna. Autorica secira elemente stvarnosti i pridodaje im nova značenja, nove emocije. Ovaj je projekt vizualno iznimno potentan, a glazba jednakopravno nosi radnju.
Iz prijašnjih radova autorice možemo vidjeti da posebno vrednuje likovnost u filmu. Naglasak koji stavlja na vizualnost filma nije sama sebi svrhom, nego je autorica na vješt i suptilan način uspijeva učiniti važnim gradivnim elementom same priče.
Ozbiljan pristup projektu scenaristice/redateljice i pridružene producentice potvrđuje i ulijeva sigurnost te jamči daljnju uspješnu realizaciju ovog kratkog filma.“
Više informacija o programu Euro Connection, kao i o samom sajmu kratkog filma moguće je pronaći na poveznici.
Gorani Jovanović te Inji Korać ovim putem upućujemo iskrene čestitke!
CED - MEDIA Office Croatia proudly announces that the Croatian short feature film Holy Sunday by the director and screenwriter Gorana Jovanović and the producer Inja Korać (Cobra Chicks Zagreb) has been proposed for participation in the Euro Connection 2024.
The film Holy Sunday, as well as other projects approved by the expert jury of individual countries, will be subjected to further evaluation by an international jury, and the final decision on the film's participation in the Euro Connection 2024 will be announced by the end of this month.
This year’s potential Croatian representative at the Euro Connection 2024 is the project Holy Sunday, by director and screenwriter Gorana Jovanović and producer Inja Korać (Cobra Chicks Zagreb), which aims to show what a Sunday looks like in a nameless town and what it represents to different people. The script is an adaptation of the song "Holy Sundays and Others" by the writer Milan Milišić, and the project itself is co-financed by the Croatian Audiovisual Centre.
The national jury that evaluated the submitted projects consisted of animated film director and animator Petra Zlonoga, producer Morana Ikić Komljenović (Little Red Dot), and head of CED-MEDIA Office Croatia - Martina Petrović.
The jury explained its decision to propose the Holy Sunday project for further evaluation as follows:
'Holy Sunday' by Gorana Jovanovic, in its intriguing way, takes us through the keyhole of intimacy into the world of everyday life, ingeniously hidden in the motif of ‘Sunday’ and in curiosity about how we think about our weekly spaces of freedom. The inspiration for this film is found in Milan Milisic's song "Holy Sunday and Others".
With her mosaic approach to storytelling and strong visual interpretations of emotions, Gorana Jovanovic is continuing to develop the main attributes of her style of which the foundations were set already in her previous works.
She takes us into the world of a strong atmosphere that is built on the segments of recognizable motifs and scenes while playing with stereotypes and common places. This game is subtle, sometimes darkly humorous, but precise. The author dissects the elements of reality and adds new meanings, and new emotions to them. In this extremely visually potent project, the music plays a significant part in the development of the story as well.
From the previous films of the author, we can see that she gives special attention to the artistry of the visuals. The emphasis that she puts on the visual representation of the film is not an end in itself, but skillfully and subtly Gorana manages to make it a substantial building element of the storytelling.
The serious approach to the project by the screenwriter, director, and the attached producer confirms and instills certainty and guarantees the further successful realization of this short film.'
Congrats to Gorana Jovanović and Inja Korać, we wish you both a lot of success in the future!