
Proglašeni pobjednici radionice i pitching foruma 'Let's Pitch Some Shorts!'

Projekt 'Maslačak' scenaristice Cassi Camilleri proglašen je najboljim projektom pitching foruma te mu je dodijeljena financijska nagrada u iznosu od 3000 eura, dok je projektu 'Klub Apollon' scenarista i redatelja Krune Trninića i producentice Maje Gros dodijeljena financijska nagrada u iznosu od 1500 eura pod pokroviteljstvom OFF Pro Film Marketa / Omladinski Film Festival Sarajevo. Projekt 'Kazna' autora Mile Božičevića nagrađen je izradom festivalske / distribucijske strategije Sayonara Filma, 'Samo jedna stvar' autorice Darie Stilin direktno sudjeluje na Baltic Pitching Forumu, 'Hrastovo drvo' autora Kyriakosa Ghikasa i producentice Marine Danezi nagrađen je konzultantskim uslugama prezentacijske pripreme pitchinga European Short Pitcha, a 'Zapovijedi linije 18' autora Alexandera Marcela Hövela direktnim sudjelovanjem u sklopu Sunny Shorts Film Marketa / Hvar FF.

Winners announced for the workshop & pitching forum: ‘Let’s pitch some shorts!’

The project ‘Dandelion’ by screenwriter Cassi Camilleri was the best project of the pitching forum and awarded a financial award in the amount of 3,000 EUR. The project ‘Apollon Club’ by Kruno Trninić (screenwriter, director) and Maja Gros (producer) was awarded a financial award in the amount of 1,500 EUR under the auspices of OFF Pro Film Market / Sarajevo Youth Film Festival. The project ‘Punishment’ by Mile Božičević (screenwriter, director) was awarded with festival / distribution strategies on behalf of Sayonara Film while ‘Just One Thing’ by Daria Stilin (screenwriter, director) was awarded by direct participation in the Baltic Pitching Forum, ‘The Oak Tree’ by Kyriakos Ghikas (screenwriter, director) and producer Marina Danezi was awarded with consulting services on pitching presentation on behalf of European Short Pitch, and 'The Commandments of Line 18' by Alexander Marcel Hövel (screenwriter, director) was awarded by direct participation as part of the Sunny Shorts Film Market / Hvar FF.
DKE – Ured MEDIA Hrvatske

Projekt 'Maslačak' scenaristice Cassi Camilleri proglašen je najboljim projektom pitching foruma te mu je dodijeljena financijska nagrada u iznosu od 3000 eura, dok je projektu 'Klub Apollon' scenarista i redatelja Krune Trninića i producentice Maje Gros dodijeljena financijska nagrada u iznosu od 1500 eura pod pokroviteljstvom OFF Pro Film Marketa / Omladinski Film Festival Sarajevo. Projekt 'Kazna' autora Mile Božičevića nagrađen je izradom festivalske / distribucijske strategije Sayonara Filma, 'Samo jedna stvar' autorice Darie Stilin direktno sudjeluje na Baltic Pitching Forumu, 'Hrastovo drvo' autora Kyriakosa Ghikasa i producentice Marine Danezi nagrađen je konzultantskim uslugama prezentacijske pripreme pitchinga European Short Pitcha, a 'Zapovijedi linije 18' autora Alexandera Marcela Hövela direktnim sudjelovanjem u sklopu Sunny Shorts Film Marketa / Hvar FF.

DKE – Uredi MEDIA iz Hrvatske, Grčke, Gruzije i Srbije s Malteškom udrugom producenata i Ministarstvom kulture Republike Cipar, a u suradnji sa Sveučilištem VERN' te Kaptol Boutique Cinema, organizirali su od 1. do 4. srpnja radionicu pod nazivom 'Let's Pitch Some Shorts!', čiju je kulminaciju predstavljao pitching forum.

U fokusu same radionice bilo je usmjeravanje profesionalaca te pružanje adekvatnih odgovora na pitanja o najučinkovitijim načinima pripreme i prezentacije vlastitoga projekta stručnoj javnosti – producentima, distributerima te prodajnim predstavnicima, ali istodobno i široj javnosti. 

Za provedbu radionice bila je zadužena iskusna i renomirana njemačka filmska producentica Roshanak Behesht Nedjad (In Good Company), čiji su recentni filmovi ‘Misija Ulja Funk’ (2021.) i ‘Delegacija’ (2023.) premijerno prikazani u sklopu Međunarodnog filmskog festivala u Berlinu. Behesht Nedjad je članica Europske i Njemačke filmske akademije te diplomantica i mentorica najpoznatijega europskog edukativnog programa za filmske producente EAVE – European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs.

Nakon završetka radionice, čiju je kulminaciju predstavljao pitching forum, žiri u sastavu Morana Ikić Komljenović (producentica / Little Red Dot), Laurent Crouzeix (voditelj događanja Euro Connection / Međunarodni filmski festival u Clermont-Ferrandu), Kenan Musić (producent i direktor Omladinskog Film Festivala Sarajevo) te Chiara Bardella (Sayonara Film) odlučio je o dodjeli nagrada, i to redom:

Glavna nagrada za najbolji pitching u iznosu od 3000 eura dodijeljena je projektu kratkometražnog igranog filma 'Maslačak' malteške scenaristice Cassi Camilleri, i to uz sljedeće pojašnjenje:

Glavna nagrada ide projektu 'Maslačak' čija snažna umjetnička vizija organski služi svrsi priče koja istražuje žensku kontrolu i autonomiju tijela. Kvaliteta predstavljanja odražavala je rad snažnog tima scenaristice, redateljice i producentice koji obećavaju realizaciju dojmljivog filma.

Nagrada u iznosu od 1500 eura pod pokroviteljstvom OFF Pro Film Marketa Sarajevo, projekta Omladinskog Film Festivala Sarajevo dodijeljena je projektu kratkometražnog igranog filma 'Klub Apollon' scenarista i redatelja Krune Trninića te producentice Maje Gros (ATL Media) iz Hrvatske sljedećim pojašnjenjem:

Zbog ideje i potrebe da se fokusira na temu toksičnog maskuliniteta kao društvenog fenomena koji dovodi do problema, anomalija u odnosu te činjenice da je riječ o filmu mladog autora koji se hvata ukoštac s ozbiljnom društveno angažiranom temom koprodukcijska sredstva u iznosu od 1500 eura dodjeljuju se filmu 'Klub Apollon'. Vjerujemo da će takva snažna predanost projektu i autorova strast stvoriti snažan film.

Nagrada izrade festivalske i distribucijske strategije pod pokroviteljstvom Sayonara Filma dodijeljena je kratkometražnom igranom projektu 'Kazna' hrvatskog scenarista i redatelja Mile Božičevića uz pojašnjenje:

Nagrada se dodjeljuje projektu 'Kazna' koji se svojom plemenitom namjerom, kroz iskustvo djetinjstva u marginaliziranoj sredini, bavi delikatnom temom generacijske traume.

Nagrada u kontekstu konzultantskih usluga pod pokroviteljstvom European Short Pitcha dodijeljena je kratkometražnom igranom projektu 'Hrastovo drvo' grčkog scenarista i redatelja Kyriakosa Ghikasa te producentice Marine Danezi (Laika Productions) iz Grčke sljedećim pojašnjenjem:

Nagrada European Short Pitcha za savjetovanje dodjeljuje se projektu 'Hrastovo drvo' koji pokazuje izvanredan potencijal u pogledu priče i estetskih izbora, na čelu sa solidnim timom autora i producentice iz Grčke.

Nagrada u kontekstu direktnog sudjelovanja u sklopu ovogodišnjeg izdanja Baltic Pitching Foruma dodijeljena je kratkometražnom igranom projektu 'Samo jedna stvar' hrvatske scenaristice i redateljice Darie Stilin sljedećim pojašnjenjem:

Za iskren i gorko-slatki prikaz međugeneracijske ljubavi i prihvaćanja te dirljivo istraživanje želje za iskupljenjem i ljudskom vezom nagrada se dodjeljuje projektu 'Samo jedna stvar'.

Izvanredna nagrada direktnog sudjelovanja u sklopu ovogodišnjeg Sunny Shorts Film Marketa / Hvar FF dodjeljuje se projektu 'Zapovijedi linije 18' njemačkog scenarista i redatelja Alexandera Marcela Hövela sa sljedećim pojašnjenjem:

Postoje filmovi i projekti u razvoju u koje se zaljubite na prvi pogled i jednostavno vjerujete da uz dobru pretprodukciju i predanost razvoju može dovesti do iznimnog projekta. Zbog toga projekt 'Zapovijedi linije 18' zaslužuje još jedan pitching i daljnji razvoj, zbog čega mu Sunny Shorts Film Market (Hvar Film Festival) dodjeljuje pozivnicu i akreditaciju za ovogodišnji market.

"Ovim putem želimo zahvaliti svim polaznicima radionice na aktivnome angažmanu i predanome radu, partnerima DKE – MEDIA Uredima iz Grčke, Gruzije i Srbije, kao i Malteškoj udruzi producenata i Ministarstvu kulture Republike Cipar te Sveučilištu VERN' i Kaptol Boutique Cinema koji su pomogli da zajednički osiguramo siguran prostor za razmjenu te umrežavanje i osnaživanje mladih autora i autorica s Cipra i Malte te iz Grčke, Gruzije, Hrvatske, Njemačke i Srbije“, poručuju iz DKE – Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske.

Također jedno veliko hvala svim članicama i članovima žirija na sudjelovanju, pokroviteljima nagrada te ponajviše Roshanak Behesht Nedjad koja je svojim pristupom i lakoćom podučavanja, a posebice nesebičnim dijeljenjem znanja svakom polazniku radionice pružila priliku za predstavljanje sebe, ali i vlastite filmske priče na najbolji mogući način.

© 2024. autorica fotografija - Sindri Ucu

The project ‘Dandelion’ by screenwriter Cassi Camilleri was the best project of the pitching forum and awarded a financial award in the amount of 3,000 EUR.  The project ‘Apollon Club’ by Kruno Trninić (screenwriter, director) and Maja Gros (producer) was awarded a financial award in the amount of 1,500 EUR under the auspices of OFF Pro Film Market / Sarajevo Youth Film Festival. The project ‘Punishment’ by Mile Božičević (screenwriter, director) was awarded with festival / distribution strategies on behalf of Sayonara Film while ‘Just One Thing’ by Daria Stilin (screenwriter, director) was awarded by direct participation in the Baltic Pitching Forum, ‘The Oak Tree’ by Kyriakos Ghikas (screenwriter, director) and producer Marina Danezi was awarded with consulting services on pitching presentation on behalf of European Short Pitch, and 'The Commandments of Line 18' by Alexander Marcel Hövel (screenwriter, director) was awarded by direct participation as part of the Sunny Shorts Film Market / Hvar FF.

The Creative Europe MEDIA Desk Offices from Croatia, Georgia, Greece, and Serbia together with the Malta Producers Association and Deputy of Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Cyprus jointly organised the workshop and pitching forum 'Let's Pitch Some Shorts!' which took place from 1-4/7/2024 in Zagreb, and in partnership with the VERN' University and Kaptol Boutique Cinema.

The focus of the workshop was to guide professionals and provide adequate answers to questions about the most effective ways of preparing and presenting one's project to the professional public - producers, distributors, and sales representatives, but at the same time to the public.

The experienced and renowned German film producer Roshanak Behesht Nedjad, whose recent films 'Mission Ulja Funk' (2021) and 'Delegation' (2023) premiered at Berlinale Generation, oversaw implementation of the workshop. Behesht Nedjad is a member of the European and German Film Academy and an alumna and mentor at the most famous European training program for film producers, EAVE – European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs.

After the end of the workshop with the pitching forum as the event culmination, the jury consisting of Morana Ikić Komljenović (producer / Little Red Dot), Laurent Crouzeix (Head of Euro Connection / Clermont – Ferrand International Short Film Market), Kenan Musić (producer and director of Youth Film Sarajevo Festival) and Chiara Bardella (Sayonara Film) decided on the awards respectively:

The main prize for the best pitch in the amount of 3,000 EUR was awarded to the short fiction project 'Dandelion' by the Maltese screenwriter Cassi Camilleri, with the following explanation:

The main award goes to a project whose strong artistic vision organically serves the purpose of a story exploring female control and body autonomy. The quality of the pitch reflected the work of a strong team of writer, director and producer who promise to deliver an impactful film.

The award in the amount of 1,500 EUR under the auspices of OFF Pro Film Market Sarajevo, a project of the Sarajevo Youth Film Festival, was awarded to the short fiction project 'Apollon Club' by screenwriter and director Kruno Trninić and producer Maja Gros (ATL Media) from Croatia with the following explanation:

For the idea and the need to focus on the topic of toxic masculinity as a social phenomenon that leads to problems, an anomaly in the relationship, and the fact that it is a film by a young author who grapples with a serious socially engaged topic, co-production funds in the amount of 1500 EUR are awarded to the film 'Apollon Club'. We believe that such strong commitment to the project and author's passion will deliver a powerful film. 

The award for creating a festival and distribution strategy under the auspices of Sayonara Film was awarded to the short fiction project 'Punishment' by the Croatian screenwriter and director Mila Božičević with the following explanation:

For the noble intent to deal with the delicate topic of generational trauma, through the experience of childhood in a marginalized environment, the award goes to' Punishment'.

The prize in the context of direct participation as part of this year's edition of the Baltic Pitching Forum was awarded to the short fiction project 'Just One Thing' by the Croatian screenwriter and director Daria Stilin with the following explanation:

For its heartfelt and bitter-sweet portrayal of intergenerational love and acceptance, and its touching exploration of the desire for redemption and human connection, the award goes to 'Just One Thing'.

The prize in the context of consulting services under the auspices of the European Short Pitch was awarded to the short fiction project ‘The Oak Tree’ screenwriter and director Kyriakos Ghikas and producer Marina Danezi (Laika Productions) from Greece with the following explanation:

The ESP consulting award goes to a project that shows remarkable potential in terms of story and aesthetic choices, with a solid filmmaker-producer team at the helm.

The outstanding award for direct participation as part of this year's Sunny Shorts Film Market / Hvar FF is awarded to the project 'The Commandments of Line 18' by the German screenwriter and director Alexander Marcel Hövel with the following explanation:

There are films and projects in development that you simply fall in love with at first sight and simply believe that with good pre-production and dedication to development, it can lead to an exceptional project. That is why the project 'The commandments of line 18' deserves another pitch and further development, which is why the Sunny Shorts Film Market (Hvar Film Festival) is awarding it an invitation and accreditation for this year's market.

"Hereby, we would like to thank all the participants of the workshop for their active engagement and dedicated work, the partners: Creative Europe MEDIA Desks in Georgia, Greece and Serbia, as well as the Malta Producers’ Association and the Deputy of Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Cyprus, VERN' University and Kaptol Boutique Cinema, who helped jointly in providing a safe space for exchange, networking and empowerment of young and emerging talents from Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Malta, and Serbia.", highlighted the Creative Europe MEDIA Desk Croatia.

Also, a big thank you to all the members of the jury for their participation, to the sponsors of the awards, and especially to Roshanak Behesht Nedjad who, with her approach and ease of teaching, and especially with her selfless sharing of knowledge, gave every participant of the workshop the opportunity to present themselves and their film stories in the best possible way.

© 2024. photographer - Sindri Ucu

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