
Poluotok scenarista i redatelja Davida Gaše te producentica Lucije Perić i Marte Eve Mećave proglašen je najboljim projektom 1. izdanja Sunny Shorts Film Marketa u sklopu Hvar Film Festivala!

Festival kratkog filma Hvar Film Festival, posvećen industriji te razvoju kratkog hrvatskog i europskog filma, ovog je rujna imao svoje premijerno izdanje.

Peninsula, written and directed by David Gašo and produced by Lucija Perić and Marta Eva Mećava receives the best pitching award of the first Sunny Shorts Film Market / Hvar Film Festival!

The short film festival Hvar Film Festival, dedicated to the industry and the development of short Croatian and European films, had its premiere edition this September!
DKE – Ured MEDIA Hrvatske

Festival kratkog filma Hvar Film Festival, posvećen industriji te razvoju kratkog hrvatskog i europskog filma, ovog je rujna imao svoje premijerno izdanje.

Naime, tijekom pet dana festivala, točnije od 10. do 14. rujna, oko 1000 gledatelja imalo je prigodu uživati u kratkim međunarodnim i regionalnim filmovima, a osim filmskih projekcija, festival je pružio prostor za profesionalno umrežavanje i razvoj industrije. Tako su filmski profesionalci sudjelovali u trodnevnim industry sesijama i razgovorima koji su ponudili vrijedne uvide u razvoj filmske produkcije u regiji i šire. Uz filmske projekcije, HFF dodatno je obogaćen i izložbom hrvatskog fotografa Jadrana Lazića, poznatog po svojim fotografijama slavnih osoba i prizorima iz filmske industrije.

U sklopu festivala održan je i Sunny Shorts Film Market, industrijska inicijativa Hvar Film Festivala namijenjena filmskim profesionalcima koja je sudionicima pružila niz događaja za umrežavanje te sesija i predavanja. Glavno događanje SSFM-a svakako je bio koprodukcijski sajam koji je predstavio 6 projekata u razvoju (u raznim fazama produkcije).

Sudionici SSFM-a dan prije službenog pitchinga imali su mogućnost usavršiti svoje vještine prezentiranja projekata te slušati predavanje Martine Petrović, voditeljice DKE – Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske, a na pitching događanju predstavljeni su sljedeći projekti:

  • Poluotok / postprodukcija, David Gašo (redatelj), Lucija Perić (producentica), Hrvatska
  • Nečisti duh / predprodukcija, Matej Matijević (redatelj), Lucija Perić (producentica), Hrvatska
  • Samo jedna stvar / razvoj scenarija, Daria Stilin (redateljica), Maja Gros (producentica / ATL Media), Hrvatska
  • Klub Apollon / postprodukcija, Kruno Trninić (redatelj), Maja Gros (producentica), Hrvatska
  • Forska liga / produkcija, Haris Kozarić (redatelj, producent), Mario Ilić (montažer, snimatelj), BiH, Hrvatska
  • 10 zapovijedi linije 18 / razvoj scenarija, Alexander Marcel Hövel (redatelj) Njemačka, Francuska

© Hvar FF

Martina Petrović bila je, uz Moranu Ikić Komljenović (producentica / Little Red Dot) te Alema Babića (producent / Dokument), i članica festivalskog žirija koji je odlučivao o nagradi za najbolji pitching u obliku koprodukcijskih sredstava, a među predstavljenim projektima najboljim je proglašen projekt Poluotok scenarista i redatelja Davida Gaše te producentica Lucije Perić i Marte Eve Mećave, i to sljedećim obrazloženjem:

“Pitching je bio jasan i precizan, s lakoćom prenoseći slojevitost teme. Iako se radi o studentskom projektu, ističe se svojom odvažnošću, kao i artikuliranom umjetničkom vizijom.”

@Hvar FF

Osim toga, voditeljica DKE – Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske sudjelovala je i kao govornica na panelu “Značaj koprodukcija i institucionalne podrške za kratki film, ulažemo li dovoljno?” koji je istražio ključne aspekte koprodukcija i institucionalne podrške kao temelja za razvoj i održivost kratkog filma u regiji. Drugi govornici na panelu bili su redateljica Ines Tanović te umjetnički voditelj HFF-a Kenan Musić.

Više informacija o drugim nagradama te o Hvar Film Festivalu dostupno je na poveznici.

The short film festival Hvar Film Festival, dedicated to the industry and the development of short Croatian and European films, had its premiere edition this September!

During the five days of the festival, which took place from September 10-14, approximately 1,000 spectators had the opportunity to enjoy short international and regional films, and in addition to film screenings, the festival provided space for professional networking and industry development. In addition, film professionals participated in three-day industry sessions and talks, which offered valuable insights into the development of film production in the region and beyond. The HFF was additionally enriched with an exhibition by Croatian photographer Jadran Lazić, known for his photographs of celebrities and scenes from the film industry.

The Sunny Shorts Film Market, an industry initiative of the Hvar Film Festival aimed at film professionals, was also held within the festival and provided participants with a series of networking events, sessions and lectures. The main event of SSFM was the co-production market, which presented 6 projects in development (in various stages of production).

The day before the official pitching, SSFM participants had the opportunity to improve their project presentation skills and attend a lecture by Martina Petrović, Head of CED - MEDIA Office Croatia, and the following projects were presented at the pitching event:

  • Peninsula / post-production, David Gašo (dir), Lucija Perić (producer), HR
  • Unclean Spirit / pre-production, Matej Matijević (dir), Lucija Perić (producer), HR
  • Just One Thing / script development, Daria Stilin (dir), Maja Gros (producer/ATL Media), HR
  • Apollon Club / post-production, Kruno Trninić (dir), Maja Gros (producer / ATL Media), HR
  • Hvar League / production, Haris Kozarić (dir, producer), Mario Ilić (editor, DoP), BA, HR
  • The Commandments of Line 18 / script development, Alexander Marcel Hövel (director), DE, FR

© Hvar FF

Martina Petrović was also a part of the festival jury together with Morana Ikić Komljenović (producer / Little Red Dot) and Alem Babić (producer / Dokument) that decided on the award for the best pitching in the form of co-production funds. Among the projects presented, the winning project was Peninsula, written and directed by David Gašo and produced by Lucija Perić and Marta Eva Mećava. The jury provided the following explanation:

"The pitch was clear and to the point, transferring the complexity of the topic with ease. Even though, it is a student project, it stands out by being bold and daring, as well as articulate with its mature artistic vision."

© Hvar FF

In addition, head of CED - MEDIA Office Croatia also participated as a speaker on the panel discussion titled "The importance of co-productions and institutional support for short films, are we investing enough?", which explored the key aspects of co-productions and institutional support as a basis for the development and sustainability of short films in the region. Other speakers on the panel were director Ines Tanović and HFF artistic director Kenan Musić.

Additional information about the rest of awards and Hvar Film Festival is available here.

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