
Otvorene prijave za radionicu i pitching forum: 'Let's pitch some shorts!'

DKE – Uredi MEDIA iz Hrvatske, Grčke, Gruzije i Srbije u suradnji s Filmskim centrom Crne Gore, Malteškom udrugom producenata te Ministarstvom kulture Republike Cipar organiziraju radionicu i pitching forum pod nazivom 'Let's pitch some shorts!', čiju će kulminaciju predstavljati Pitching forum.

Open call for the workshop & pitching forum: Let’s pitch some shorts!

Creative Europe MEDIA Desks in Croatia, Georgia, Greece and Serbia in collaboration with the Film Centre of Montenegro, Malta Producers’ Association and Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Cyprus, organise the workshop and the pitching forum ‘Let’s pitch some shorts!’.
DKE – Ured MEDIA Hrvatske

DKE – Uredi MEDIA iz Hrvatske, Grčke, Gruzije i Srbije u suradnji s Filmskim centrom Crne Gore, Malteškom udrugom producenata te Ministarstvom kulture Republike Cipar organiziraju radionicu pod nazivom 'Let's pitch some shorts!', čiju će kulminaciju predstavljati Pitching forum.

Radionica će ponuditi smjernice profesionalcima, ponajprije redateljima i scenaristima, te adekvatne odgovore na pitanja o najučinkovitijim načinima pripreme i prezentacije vlastitoga projekta stručnoj javnosti – producentima, distributerima, prodajnim predstavnicima, ali i široj javnosti – publici.

Radionica je namijenjena filmskim profesionalcima i studentima filmskih odsjeka, u prvom redu redateljima i scenaristima, s fokusom na projektima kratkometražnih igranih filmova.

Za provedbu radionice zadužena je iskusna i renomirana njemačka filmska producentica Roshanak Behesht Nedjad (njezin posljednji film 'Misija Ulja Funk' premijerno je prikazan 2021. u sklopu programa Generation, Međunarodnog filmskog festivala u Berlinu). Behesht Nedjad je članica Europske i Njemačke filmske akademije te diplomantica i mentorica najpoznatijega europskog edukativnog programa za filmske producente EAVE – European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs.

Za sudjelovanje će biti odabrano do 10 projekata iz Cipra, Crne Gore, Grčke, Gruzije, Hrvatske, Malte i Srbije.

Radionica će se održavati od 1. do 3. srpnja o.g. od 9 do 17 sati u prostorijama Sveučilišta Vern', a završni Pitching forum održat će se 4. srpnja o.g. u 10 sati te u kinu Kaptol Cinema Boutique u Zagrebu.


Prijavnica mora sadržavati:

  • životopis (maksimalno 1 str.)
  • fotografiju
  • sinopsis (maksimalno 1 str.)
  • logline (3 rečenice)
  • financijski plan (ako se uz redatelja/scenarista prijavljuje i producent), odnosno okvirni iznos proračuna filma (ako se samostalno prijavljuje redatelj/scenarist)
  • redateljsku koncepciju
  • odgovor na pitanje "Tko je vaša ciljana publika i zašto?".

Prijavnica i svi traženi materijali, kao i cjelokupna radionica bit će na engleskom jeziku. Napominjemo da će polaznici radionice imati obvezu izvršavanja "domaće zadaće".

Tražene materijale pošaljite, molimo, na adresu e-pošte:, s naznakom 'Let's pitch some shorts!' najkasnije do 14. lipnja o.g. do 12 sati!

S velikim zadovoljstvom želimo najaviti da glavna nagrada za najbolji pitching iznosi 3000 eura, dok je druga financijska nagrada u iznosu od 1500 eura pod pokroviteljstvom OFF Pro Film Marketa Sarajevo, projekta Omladinskog Film Festivala Sarajevo, ujedno i najvećeg filmskog marketa za kratki film u ovom dijelu Europe.

Žiri koji čine Morana Ikić Komljenović (producentica / Little Red Dot), Laurent Crouzeix (voditelj događanja Euro Connection / Međunarodni filmski festival u Clermont Ferrandu), Kenan Musić (producent te direktor Omladinskog Film Festivala Sarajevo) te Ella Mische (glumica, producentica te direktorica Croatian International Film Festivala) odlučit će o dodjeli financijskih nagrada.

U suradnji s organizatorima European Short Pitcha predviđena je nagrada u kontekstu konzultantskih usluga, dok će jedan hrvatski projekt biti odabran za direktno sudjelovanje u sklopu Baltic Pitching Foruma.

Creative Europe MEDIA Desks in Croatia, Georgia, Greece and Serbia in collaboration with the Film Centre of Montenegro, Malta Producers’ Association and Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Cyprus are organising the workshop and the pitching forum ‘Let’s pitch some shorts!’.

The workshop will offer guidelines to professionals, primarily directors and screenwriters, as well as suitable answers to questions about how to prepare and present a personal project as effectively as possible to a professional audience – producers, distributors, sales agents, and the broader public.

The experienced and renowned German film producer Roshanak Behesht Nedjad (her last film Mission Ulja Funk premiered 2021 at Berlinale Generation) will oversee the implementation ofthe workshop. Behesht Nedjad is a member of the European and German Film Academy and an alumna and mentor at the most famous European training programme for film producer, EAVE – European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs.

The workshop is intended for film professionals and film students, primarily directors and screenwriters developing their short fiction projects.

Submissions can be entered starting from today until June 14th, 2024.

Ten projects from Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Greece, Malta, Montenegro and Serbia will be selected for participation.

The workshop is scheduled to take place July 1st - 3rd, from 9:30 am to 17:30 pm at the Vern’ University, and the closing Pitching Forum is scheduled for July 4th, 2024, starting at 10:00 am at Kaptol Boutique Cinema.


Applications should be written in English, and must include:

  • a CV (not more than one page)
  • a photograph
  • a synopsis (not more than one page)
  • a logline (three sentences)
  • a financial plan (if a producer participates next to a director/writer), i.e. an approximate budget (if a director/writer participates independently)
  • a director's concept
  • an answer to the question 'Who is your target audience and why?'.

Kindly send the required materials written in English to the following e-mail address: with a subject line 'Let’s pitch some shorts!’, no later than midday June 14th, 2024.

We are very pleased to announce that the main prize for the best pitching is in the amount of 3,000 euros, while the second financial prize in the amount of  1,500 euros is under the auspices of OFF Pro Film Market Sarajevo, a project of the Sarajevo Youth Film Festival, which is also the largest film market for short films in this part of Europe.

The jury, consisting of Morana Ikić Komljenović (producer / Little Red Dot), Laurent Crouzeix (Head of Euro Connection / International Film Festival in Clermont Ferrand), Kenan Musić (producer and director of the Sarajevo Youth Film Festival) will decide on the awarding of financial prizes. And Ella Mische (actress/producer and director of the Croatian International Film Festival) will decide on the awarding of financial awards.

In cooperation with the organizers of the European Short Pitch, an award is planned in the context of consulting services, while one Croatian project will be selected for direct participation as part of the Baltic Pitching Forum.

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