
Održano 13. izdanje When East Meets West koprodukcijskog foruma: ponosno izdvajamo hrvatske sudionike i djelovanje DKE – Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske!

DKE – Ured MEDIA Hrvatske ponosno objavljuje hrvatske sudionike ovogodišnjeg WEMW koprodukcijskog foruma, kao i sudjelovanje Martine Petrović, voditeljice DKE – Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske, u sklopu profesionalno-konzultantskih događanja.

The 13th edition of the When East Meets West Co-production Forum: we proudly present the Croatian participants and the activities of CED - MEDIA Office Croatia!

When East Meets West is a Co-production Forum that takes place every year as part of the Trieste Film Festival and is intended for European feature-length documentaries and feature films in development. The mission of WEMW is continuous research of the specificities of Eastern and Western culture through registered projects and their connection.
DKE – Ured MEDIA Hrvatske

When East Meets West koprodukcijski je forum koji se svake godine održava u sklopu Međunarodnog filmskog festivala u Trstu, a namijenjen je europskim dugometražnim dokumentarnim i igranim filmovima u razvoju. Misija WEMW-a kontinuirano je istraživanje specifičnosti istočne i zapadne kulture kroz prijavljene projekte i njihovo povezivanje. 

Od ukupno 410 prijava pristiglih iz cijeloga svijeta, na samom koprodukcijskom forumu sudjelovala su 22 projekta iz 19 zemalja, među kojima je i hrvatski projekt „Mjerenje neba“ – dokumentarni film Petra Oreškovića i producenta Siniše Juričića (Nukleus film d.o.o.), koji je ujedno podržan od strane Potprograma MEDIA i to u sklopu prvog kruga mini-slate poziva 2021. godine!

Osim toga, u sklopu programa Last Stop Trieste, namijenjenom dugometražnim dokumentarnim projektima, sudjelovali su sljedeći projekti u hrvatskoj (ko)produkciji: „Jedan dan, 365 sati“, turske redateljice Eylem Kaftan, koji je realiziran u tursko-hrvatskoj koprodukciji (ZK Films (Turska) i Fade In (Hrvatska)) te koji je osvojio nagradu HBO Europe i „Snajka: Dnevnik očekivanja“, hrvatske redateljice i scenaristice Tee Vidović Dalipi i producenta Olivera Sertića (Restart), a u koprodukciji s tvrtkama Stefilm (IT) te Al Jazeera Balkans i Möbius (XK). 

S druge strane, u programu This Is It, koji okuplja projekte u razvoju, sudjelovali su sljedeći projekti: „Fiume o morte!“ hrvatskog redatelja i scenarista Igora Bezinovića te producenata Vanje Jambrović (Restart) i Tibora Kesera (Restart), a u suradnji s produkcijskim kućama Nosorogi (SI), Videomante (IT), koji je osvojio nagradu LASER FILM, te projekt „Iskupljenje“ slovenske redateljice i producentice Sonje Prosenc te hrvatske koproducentice Tamare Babun (Wolfgang & Dolly). 

Naposlijetku,  u sklopu First Cut+ programa namijenjenog jačanju promocije i strategije angažmana publike igranih filmova koji su prethodno sudjelovali na First Cut Lab radionici, sudjelovao je hrvatski dugometražni igrano-dokumentarni film „Što da se radi?“ redatelja i pisca Gorana Devića i producenta Hrvoja Osvadića (Petnaesta umjetnost). 

Na radionicama Inspirational Labs sudjelovale su Petra Babić (Restart) i Ivana Marinić Kragić (Marinis Media).

Više informacija o projektima i sudionicima možete pronaći u katalogu When East Meets West 2023. katalogu.

Tijekom WEMW foruma održan je i "CE MEDIA Breaking News", informativno događanje u obliku prezentacije fokusirano na ključna obilježja i novitete vezane za Potprogram MEDIA Kreativne Europe (pozivi, rokovi za prijavu, EU pravila, i sl.), nakon kojeg su predstavnici deskova održali  pojedinačne sastanke s potencijalnim budućim korisnicima MEDIA Potprograma pod nazivom „MEET the CEDs“. Događanje je organizirano u suradnji s DKE – Uredima MEDIA iz Bugarske, Grčke, Italije (Bari &Torino), Portugala, Slovenije i Srbije. 

Osim toga, DKE – Ured MEDIA Hrvatske u suradnji s DKE – Uredima MEDIA iz Bugarske, Grčke, Italije (Torino), Portugala, Slovenije i Srbije organizirao je neformalno druženje sa svrhom upoznavanja i umrežavanja profesionalaca koji su sudjelovali na WEMW forumu.

Naposlijetku, Martina Petrović, voditeljica DKE - Ureda MEDIA RH sudjelovala je također u sklopu EWA mentorskog programa namijenjenog ambicioznim producenticama te je za sudionice navedenog programa pripremila radionicu na temu MEDIA Potprograma. Kratki video s djelićem atmosfere s video s događanja moguće je pronaći na poveznici.  

When East Meets West is a Co-production Forum that takes place every year as part of the Trieste Film Festival and is intended for European feature-length documentaries and feature films in development. The mission of WEMW is continuous research of the specificities of Eastern and Western culture through registered projects and their connection.

Out of a total of 410 applications received from all over the world, 22 projects from 19 countries participated in the co-production forum itself, including the Croatian project ‘Measuring the Sky’ - a documentary film by director Petar Orešković and producer Siniša Juričić (Nukleus film d.o.o.), which was also supported by the MEDIA Sub-programme within the first round of mini-slate calls in 2021!

In addition, as part of the Last Stop Trieste, intended for feature-length documentary projects, the following Croatian (co)production projects participated: ‘A Day, 365 Hours’, by the Turkish director Eylem Kaftan, which was realised via the Turkish-Croatian co-production (ZK Films (Turkey) and Fade In (Croatia)) and which won the HBO Europe award and ‘Snajka: Diary of Expectations’, by Croatian director and screenwriter Tea Vidović Dalipi and producer Oliver Sertić (Restart), in co-production with the companies Stefilm (IT) and Al Jazeera Balkans and Möbius (XK).

On the other hand, the following projects participated in the This Is It, which brings together projects in development: ‘Fiume o morte!’ by Croatian director and screenwriter Igor Bezinović and producers Vanja Jambrović (Restart) and Tibor Keser (Restart), and in collaboration with production companies Nosorogi (SI) and Videomante (IT), which won the LASER FILM award, and the project ‘Redemption’ by Slovenian director and producer Sonja Prosenc and Croatian co-producer Tamara Babun (Wolfgang & Dolly).

Finally, as part of the First Cut+ program intended to strengthen the promotion and audience engagement strategy of feature films that previously participated in the First Cut Lab workshop, participated the Croatian feature-length feature-documentary film ‘What’s To Be Done?’ by director and writer Goran Dević and producer Hrvoj Osvadić (Fifteenth art).

The Inspirational Labs workshops were attended by Petra Babić (Restart) and Ivana Marinić Kragić (Marinis Media).

You can find more information about the projects and participants in the When East Meets West 2023 catalog.

During the WEMW forum, ‘CE MEDIA Breaking News’, an informative event in the form of a presentation focused on key features and novelties related to the MEDIA Sub-programme of the Creative Europe Programme (calls, application deadlines, EU policies, etc.), took place, after which representatives of the desks held individual meetings with potential future beneficiaries of the MEDIA Sub-programme under the name ‘MEET the CEDs’. The event was organised in cooperation with CED - MEDIA Offices from Bulgaria, Greece, Italy (Bari and Torino), Portugal, Slovenia, and Serbia.

In addition, CED - MEDIA Office Croatia in cooperation with MEDIA Offices from Bulgaria, Greece, Italy (Torino), Portugal, Slovenia, and Serbia organised an informal gathering with the purpose of getting to know and networking with professionals who participated in the WEMW forum.

Finally, Martina Petrović, Head of the CED - MEDIA Office Croatia, participated in the EWA mentoring programme intended for ambitious female producers and prepared a workshop on the subject of the MEDIA Sub-programme. An atmospheric video of the event can be found here.

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