
Međunarodni festival kratkog filma u Linzu 11. – 15. 10. 2023.

Martina Petrović, voditeljica DKE - Ureda MEDIA RH, sudjelovala je u sklopu drugog izdanja Talent akademije u ulozi mentorice te članice pitching žirija Talent akademije i festivala te je održala i masterclass u sklopu ovogodišnjeg Međunarodnog filmskog festivala kratkog filma u Linzu!

The International Short Film Festival in Linz 11 - 15.10.2023

Martina Petrović, head of CED - MEDIA Croatia - participated as a mentor and member of the pitching jury in the second edition of the Talent Academy and the Festival, and also held a masterclass as part of this year's International Short Film Festival in Linz!
DKE – Ured MEDIA Hrvatske

Međunarodni festival kratkog filma u Linzu svoje djelovanje započinje 2018. godine s ciljem da podrži mlade i talentirane filmaše u njihovu radu, ali i da im istovremeno pruži priliku da svoje kreacije predstave u profesionalnom okruženju. Dok se stotine nezavisnih kratkih filmova prikazuje tijekom pet festivalskih dana na platnima u Linzu, raznovrstan program festivala upotpunjen je raznolikim programom diskusija i radionica. 

U sklopu ovogodišnjeg Međunarodnog festivala kratkometražnog filma u Linzu održano je i drugo izdanje Talent akademije koja naglasak stavlja na razvoj novih filmskih projekata i odabranih talentiranih filmaša. Naime, kreatori sedam odabranih projekata imali su priliku sudjelovati u sklopu različitih masterclassova te radionica gdje su pod stručnim vodstvom razvijali svoje projekte za pitching sesiju i natjecali se za koprodukcijske poticaje. Polaznici su tako gostovali na Međunarodnom festivalu kratkog filma u Linzu 2023., a završeni filmovi svih odabranih talenata bit će prikazani u sklopu navedenog festivala 2024. godine.

Osim u ulozi mentorice, Martina Petrović, voditeljica Deska Kreativne Europe – Ureda MEDIA RH, zajedno s Pegah Ahangarani (glumica) i Parisom Ghasemi (direktoricom festivala), sudjelovala je u ulozi članice pitching žirija koji je glavnu nagradu za najbolji kratki film koju predstavlja koprodukcijsko financiranje u iznosu od 2000 eura odlučio dodijeliti kinesko-britanskom projektu redateljice i scenaristice Ruijing Bu 'Nitko neće znati' . Također, DKE – Ured MEDIA Hrvatske odlučio je dodijeliti dodatne dvije nagrade: direktno sudjelovanje u radionici 'Kako  pripremiti sebe i svoj projekt za međunarodno tržište' u sklopu FMFS-a 2024. godine koja je dodijeljena scenaristu i redatelju Alexandru Marcelu Hövelu - '10 zapovijedi tramvajske linije br. 18 – Prvi dio ', dok je scenaristici i redateljici Leni Isabelli Deisenberger s projektom 'Špageti stolica' pripalo mentoriranje i savjetovanje festivalske i distribucijske strategije. 

Više / More: Talent Linz Academy 2023

Osim sudjelovanja u žiriju za pitching, Martina Petrović, voditeljica DKE – Ureda MEDIA RH, održala je i masterclass pod nazivom „MEDIA info dan – što tu ima za mene?“ koji je fokus stavio na Potprogram MEDIA Kreativne Europe, naglašavajući pritom smjernice (tips & tricks), pravi trenutak za pripremu i prijavu vlastitog projekta na neki od poziva Potprograma, pojašnjenja bitnih aspekata ispunjavanja prijavnih obrazaca, a naposljetku i najvažnije segmente primjera dobre prakse. Masterclass je također obradio i važnost financiranja kratkih filmova u sklopu Potprograma MEDIA, i to putem mini-slate i skupnih poziva za financiranje kao poticaja za nove talente. 

Kratki film važan je aspekt u razvoju svakog filmskog autora te je upravo zbog toga usavršavanje kratkometražnih projekata uz stručne mentore i radionice ključan faktor njihova uspjeha. Isto tako, filmska industrija mora naglasak staviti na umrežavanje autora i poticanje razvijanja koprodukcija kako bi nastalo poduzetno i efikasno okruženje za sve filmske djelatnike.  

U ulozi članice festivalskog žirija Petrović je zajedno s druga dva člana žirija festivala, Pegah Ahangarani i Norbertom Tomasijem, odlučivala o pobjednicima festivala. 

Više / More: Awards 2023

Poveznica / Link: Linz International Short FF Jury 2023

Poveznica / Link: Linz International Short FF - photos

The International Short Film Festival in Linz began its activities in 2018 intending to support young and talented filmmakers in their work, but also to allow them to present their creations in a professional environment. While hundreds of independent short films are shown during the five festival days on the screens in Linz, the diverse programming of the festival is complemented by diverse panel discussions and workshops.

As part of this year's International Short Film Festival in Linz, the second edition of the Talent Academy took place, which emphasizes the development of new film projects and selected talented filmmakers. Namely, the creators of seven selected projects had the opportunity to participate in various masterclasses and workshops where they developed their projects for the pitching session under expert guidance and competed for co-production incentives. The participants were guests at the International Short Film Festival in Linz in 2023, and the finished films of all the selected talents will be shown as part of the festival in 2024.

In addition to the role of mentor, Martina Petrović, head of the Creative Europe Desk – MEDIA Office Croatia, together with Pegah Ahangarani (actress) and Parisa Ghasemi (festival director), participated in the role of a member of the pitching jury, giving the main award of EUR 2000 for the best short film presented by the Chinese-British project of director and screenwriter Ruijing Bu, 'No One Will Ever Know'. Also, CED - MEDIA Office Croatia decided to give two additional awards: direct participation in the workshop 'How to prepare yourself and your project for the international market' as part of FMFS in 2024, awarded to screenwriter and director Alexander Marcel Hövel - '10 Commandments of a tram line no. 18 – The first part', while screenwriter and director Lena Isabella Deisenberger with the project 'Spaghetti Chair' was entrusted with mentoring and advising on the festival and distribution strategy.

More information about the participants can be found here: Talent Linz Academy 2023.

In addition to participating in the pitching jury, Martina Petrović, also held a masterclass entitled ‘MEDIA info day - what's in it for me?’ which focused on the MEDIA Subprogram of Creative Europe, emphasizing the guidelines (tips & tricks), the right moment to prepare and submit your project to one of the calls of the Subprogram, clarification of the essential aspects of filling out the application forms, and finally the most important segments of examples of good practice. The Masterclass also addressed the importance of financing short films within the MEDIA Subprogram, through mini-slate and slate as an incentive for new talents.

The short film is an important aspect in the development of every filmmaker, and precisely because of this, the improvement of short film projects with professional mentors and workshops is a key factor in their success. Likewise, the film industry must emphasize the networking of authors and encourage the development of co-productions to create an enterprising and efficient environment for all film workers.

In her role as a member of the festival jury, Petrović, together with two other members of the festival jury: Pegah Ahangarani and Norbert Tomasi, decided on the winners of the festival.

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