
MEDIA u sklopu 76. izdanja Filmskog festivala u Cannesu

DKE – Ured MEDIA najavljuje događanja Potprograma MEDIA koja će se održati u sklopu ovogodišnjeg 76. izdanja Filmskog festivala u Cannesu!

MEDIA at the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival

CED - MEDIA Office Croatia announces the events of the MEDIA Sub-programme that will be held at this year's 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival!
DKE – Ured MEDIA Hrvatske

Štand Kreativne Europe MEDIA i ove će se godine naći na Marché du Film u sklopu 76. izdanja Filmskog festivala u Cannesu. Na štandu je tijekom najpoznatijeg događanja filmske industrije u godini moguće otkriti ekskluzivne filmske projekcije, proširiti vlastitu mrežu povezivanjem s ljudima iz industrije te nadahnuti se dijeljenjem iskustava i trendova u industriji s drugim profesionalcima.

U nastavku se nalaze ključna događanja vezana uz Potprogram MEDIA:  

Europska komisija | Europski filmski forum: “Pogled u budućnost: vizija za europsku audiovizualnu i medijsku industriju” – 18. 5. 2023. / 10.00 - 11.00

Nakon što događanje otvori europski povjerenik Thierry Breton izlaganjem o konkurentnosti industrije, visoki europski izvršni direktori podijelit će svoja stajališta o tome kako se pripremiti za budućnost sektora i bolje pozicionirati europsku audiovizualnu industriju na europskim i svjetskim tržištima.

Raspravu će moderirati Marjorie Paillon, a sugovornici su:

  • Pierre-Antoine Capton, Mediawan
  • Bruno Patino, ARTE
  • Teresa Fernández-Valdés, Bambu productions
  • Daniela Elstner, Unifrance

Događanje će se moći pratiti i online putem ove poveznice: Europski filmski forum u Cannesu

Slavimo MEDIA zajednicu! uz korisnike Klastera za poslovanje* - 18. 5. 2023. / 17.30 - 19.00

Korisnici Potprograma MEDIA (2021. - 2022.) okupit će se i podijeliti vlastita iskustva vezana uz pozive u sklopu Klastera za poslovanje s europskim profesionalcima.

Usheru | Showcase: Otkrijmo zajednicu – 19. 5. 2023 / 17.00 - 17.30

Tvrtka Usheru predstavit će svoj novi revolucionarni projekt, uz financijsku potporu Kreativne Europe, pod nazivom 'Otkrijmo zajednicu', čiji je cilj izgraditi filmsku publiku i drastično smanjiti troškove marketinga.

Europska komisija | Predstavljanje rezultata izvješća “European Media Industry Outlook” – 20. 5. 2023. / 16.00 - 16.30

Stefano D'Orilia predstavit će rezultate sveobuhvatnog izvješća Europske komisije "European Media Industry Outlook“ o razvoju industrije u audiovizualnom sektoru, sektoru medija i videoigara diljem Europske unije. Rezultati će otkriti nove podatke o preferencijama i potrošnji publike, trendove potražnje i ponude te izvijestiti o potencijalnom utjecaju tih trendova na europsko medijsko tržište i poslovne modele.

Događanje će se moći pratiti online putem ove poveznice: European Media Industry Outlook

Slavimo MEDIA zajednicu! uz korisnike Klastera za sadržaj* - 21. 5. 2023. / 17.30 - 19.00

Korisnici Potprograma MEDIA (2021. - 2022.) okupit će se i podijeliti vlastita iskustva vezana uz pozive u sklopu Klastera za sadržaj s europskim profesionalcima.

Slavimo MEDIA zajednicu! uz korisnike Klastera za publiku* - 22. 5. 2023. /17.30 - 19.00

Korisnici Potprograma MEDIA (2021. - 2022.) okupit će se i podijeliti vlastita iskustva vezana uz pozive u sklopu Klastera za publiku s europskim profesionalcima.

Kreativna Europa MEDIA | Info sastanak vezan uz poziv za distributere – 23. 5. 2023 / 9.30 - 10.30

*Ako želite sudjelovati na događanjima „Slavimo MEDIA zajednicu“, a niste sudionik Potprograma MEDIA Kreativne Europe, ljubazno Vas molimo da se javite na e-mail adresu

Osim toga, u utorak 23. svibnja, s početkom u 10 sati, Martina Petrović, voditeljica DKE – Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske, sudjelovat će u sklopu 3. izdanja think tanka u obliku razgovora Near Future Retreat! Događanje je inicirala organizacija New Nordic Narratives, a u suradnji s platformom Cannes Next te Marché du Film (filmskim sajmom u Cannesu). Ovo poludnevno druženje nastavlja svoje putovanje iz Tallinna i Berlina te okuplja sadašnje i buduće kreatore filmskog okruženja s ciljem opuštene razmjene iskustava i znanja, istovremeno istražujući kako utjecati na promjene koje donosi budućnosti, uz poticanje održivog filmskog i TV okruženja budućnosti.

Više informacija o svemu možete pronaći na poveznici.

The Creative Europe MEDIA stand will be at the Marché du Film again this year as a part of the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival. At the stand, during the most famous film industry event of the year, the guests will be able to discover exclusive film screenings, expand their network by connecting with people from the industry, and get inspired by sharing experiences and trends in the industry with other professionals.

Below are the key events related to the MEDIA Sub-programme:

European Commission | European Film Forum: "Looking Ahead: a Vision For the European Audiovisual and Media Industries" - 18 May 2023 / 10.00 - 11.00

After the European Commissioner Thierry Breton opens the event with a presentation on the competitiveness of the industry, senior European executives will share their views on how to prepare for the future of the sector and better position the European audiovisual industry on European and global markets.

The discussion will be moderated by Marjorie Paillon, and the interlocutors are:

  • Pierre-Antoine Capton, Mediawan
  •  Bruno Patino, ARTE
  • Teresa Fernández-Valdés, Bambu productions
  • Daniela Elstner, Unifrance

 The event will also be available online via this link: European Film Forum in Cannes.

Celebrating the MEDIA community! with beneficiaries of the Business cluster* - 18 May 2023 / 5.30 P.M. - 7.00 P.M.

Beneficiaries of the MEDIA Sub-programme (2021 - 2022) will gather and share their own experiences related to calls within the Business cluster.

Usheru | Showcase: Let's Discover the Community – 19 May 2023 / 5.00 pm - 5.30 P.M.

The company Usheru will present its new revolutionary project, with the financial support of Creative Europe MEDIA, called 'Let's Discover the Community', the aim of which is to build a film audience and drastically reduce marketing costs.

European Commission | Presentation of the results of the "European Media Industry Outlook" report - 20 May 2023 / 4:00 PM - 4:30 P.M.

Stefano D'Orilia will present the results of the European Commission's comprehensive report "European Media Industry Outlook" on industry developments in the audiovisual, media, and video game sectors across the European Union. The results will reveal new data on audience preferences and consumption, demand and supply trends, and report on the potential impact of these trends on the European media market and business models.

The event will be available online via this link: European Media Industry Outlook.

Celebrating the MEDIA community! with beneficiaries of the Content cluster* - 5/21/2023 / 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Beneficiaries of the MEDIA Sub-programme (2021 - 2022) will gather and share their own experiences related to calls within the Content cluster with European professionals.

Celebrating the MEDIA community! with beneficiaries of the Audience cluster* - 5/22/2023 /5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Beneficiaries of the MEDIA Sub-programme (2021 - 2022) will gather and share their own experiences related to calls within the Audience cluster with European professionals.

Creative Europe MEDIA | Info meeting related to the call for distributors – 23 May 2023 / 9.30 - 10.30

*If you want to participate in the "Celebrating the MEDIA community" events, and you are not a participant of the Creative Europe MEDIA Sub-programme, please contact the e-mail:

In addition, on Tuesday / May 23, starting at 10 A.M., Martina Petrović, Head of CED - MEDIA Office Croatia, will participate in the 3rd edition of the think tank Near Future Retreat! The event was initiated by the organisation New Nordic Narratives, in cooperation with the Cannes Next platform and the Marché du Film (film fair in Cannes). This half-day gathering continues its journey from Tallinn and Berlin and brings together current and future creators of the film environment with the aim of a relaxed exchange of experiences and knowledge while exploring how to influence the changes that the future brings and encouraging a sustainable film and TV environment of the future.


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