
Doručak na travi – žensko lice hrvatskog filma i DKE-Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske

Martina Petrović, vodteljica DKE - Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske, zajedno s glumicom Juditom Franković Brdar te redateljicom i scenaristicom Karlom Lulić, gostovala je u sklopu programa „Doručak na travi“ na platformi (NEON) koji vodi i moderira Sanja Bachrach Krištofić.

Breakfast on the Grass - the female face of Croatian Cinema and CED-MEDIA Office Croatia

Martina Petrović, Head of CED - MEDIA Office Croatia, together with actress Judita Franković Brdar and director and screenwriter Karla Lulić (Dobar film), participates as guest and as part of the programme "Breakfast on the Grass" on the platform (NEON) moderated by Sanja Bachrach Krištofić.
DKE – Ured MEDIA Hrvatske

Martina Petrović, vodteljica DKE - Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske, zajedno s glumicom Juditom Franković Brdar te redateljicom i scenaristicom Karlom Lulić, gostovala je u sklopu programa „Doručak na travi“ na platformi (NEON) koji vodi i moderira Sanja Bachrach Krištofić.

Razgovor je to povodom središnjeg događanja u sklopu proslave 15 godina uspjeha DKE - Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske, koje će se održati na Dan Europe, 9. svibnja 2023. Događanje će fokus staviti na nove hrvatske filmske uspješnice, a u sklopu panel rasprave, koju će moderirati voditeljica DKE – Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske, Martina Petrović, sudjelovat će i Karla Lulić (Dobar film) te Judita Franković Brdar. 

Naime, već 15 godina traje filmska ljubavna priča Potprograma MEDIA, Deska Kreativne Europe – Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske i hrvatskih kreativaca, filmskih i televizijskih profesionalaca te autora videoigara. Tako je u sklopu djelovanja DKE – Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske, program „Doručak na travi“ predstavio debitantski igrani film Karle Lulić, ‘Ogledalo za slavuja’ u kojem glumi Judita Franković Brdar, a koji je podržan sredstvima Potprograma MEDIA.

Snimku gostovanja moguće je pogledati na službenom YouTube kanalu DKE – Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske.

Martina Petrović, Head of CED- MEDIA Office Croatia, together with actress Judita Franković Brdar and director and screenwriter Karla Lulić (Dobar film), participates as guest and as part of the programme "Breakfast on the Grass" on the platform (NEON) moderated by Sanja Bachrach Krištofić.

The conversation is on the occasion of the central event as part of the celebration of 15 years of success of CED – MEDIA Office Croatia, which will be held on Europe Day, May 9, 2023. The event will focus on new Croatian film successes, and as part of a panel discussion, which will be moderated by the host CED – MEDIA Office Croatia, Martina Petrović, as well as with the participation of Karla Lulić (Dobar film) and Judita Franković Brdar.

Namely, the cinematic love story of the MEDIA Subprogram, Creative Europe Desk - MEDIA Croatia Office and Croatian creatives, film and television professionals and video game authors has been going on for 15 years. Thus, as part of the activities of DKE - the MEDIA Office of Croatia, the "Breakfast on the Grass" program presented Karla Lulić's debut feature film, "Mirror for a Nightingale" starring Judita Franković Brdar, which was supported by funds from the MEDIA Subprogram. Martina Petrović, Head of CED- MEDIA Office Croatia, together with actress Judita Franković Brdar and director and screenwriter Karla Lulić (Dobar film), participates as guest and as part of the programme "Breakfast on the Grass" on the platform (NEON) led and moderated by Sanja Bachrach Krištofić.

The recording of the event can be viewed on the official YouTube channel of CED - MEDIA Office of Croatia.

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