European Writers Desk okupio je svoje polaznike od 22. do 24. kolovoza u Hamburgu na drugoj fizičkoj radionici u sklopu koje je među 24 sudionika sudjelovala i hrvatska scenaristica, redateljica i producentica Karla Lulić (Dobar film) s TV projektom Poštovani kukci i druge jezive priče, adaptacijom istoimenog nagrađivanog romana autorice Maše Kolanović.
Deskovi Kreativne Europe - Uredi MEDIA tako su okupili 24 scenarista iz čak 15 europskih država, a s ciljem da se međusobno povežu i pritom razmjenjuju znanja. Navedeni program usavršavanja vodili su mentori (scenaristički savjetnici) Miguel Machalski i Claire Armspach (STV Productions).
Karla Lulić, kao jedina hrvatska predstavnica, o cjelokupnom iskustvu na ovogodišnjem izdanju European Writers Deska rekla je sljedeće:
"DKE – Ured MEDIA Hrvatske ovim sudjelovanjem dao mi je priliku da naš projekt TV serije 'Poštovani kukci i druge jezive priče', koji je adaptacija istoimenog nagrađivanog romana autorice Maše Kolanović, dobije priliku da se predstavi u međunarodnom kontekstu autora i producenata te da tako testiramo međunarodni potencijal serije. Iznimno sam ponosna na projekt serije te da priče koje obrađujemo zaista rezoniraju s različitim kulturama i svjetonazorima, kao i da su univerzalnih tema i mračnog humora koji vrlo uspješno probija granice.
Budući da je sam žanr serije antologijska mračno-humorna drama, cilj sudjelovanja je da s autorima i mentorstvom testiramo format i pristup naraciji te da pronađemo što je to što čini seriju unikatnom u pejzažu europske kinematografije te kako narativnu strukturu optimizirati kako bi iz epizode u epizodu, iako je svaka priča za sebe, stvorili "hook" za gledatelje te povezali priče u jednu koherentnu cjelinu.
U Hamburgu se okupio velik broj etabliranih scenarista i autora uz koje sam kao još mlada autorica mogla zaista puno naučiti i inspirirati se zahvaljujući njihovom iskustvu. Takva vrsta umrežavanja važna je za rast i razvoj karijere mladih autora, ali indirektno i hrvatske filmske industrije. Veliko hvala na ovoj prilici."
Karla Lulić je hrvatska scenaristica, redateljica i producentica koja je magistrirala filmsku i TV produkciju na Sveučilištu Sorbonne u Parizu. Osnivačica je hrvatske produkcijske kuće Dobar film posvećene snimanju kvalitetnih međunarodnih filmova koji pomalo koketiraju sa žanrovima. Vanjska je suradnica Sveučilišta Sjever na predmetu 'Multimedijska produkcija' te je članica Društva hrvatskih filmskih redatelja (DHFR) i Savez scenarista i pisaca izvedbenih djela (SPID). Do sada je realizirala tri kratkometražna i nagrađivana igrana filma "U ime Jagode, Čokolade i Duha Svetoga" (2018.), "Slijedi…" (2020.) te "Ostrižena" (2023.). Trenutačno razvija svoj prvi dugometražni film "Ogledalo za slavuja" te TV seriju "Poštovani kukci i druge jezive priče", adaptaciju istoimenog nagrađivanog romana autorice Maše Kolanović.
Do kraja godine predviđeni su online susreti te će se naknadno objaviti detaljnije informacije o mogućnostima prijave sudjelovanja scenarista iz Hrvatske s fokusom na TV serije u razvoju.
Vaš DKE – Ured MEDIA Hrvatske!
European Writers Desk gathered its participants from August 22 to 24 in Hamburg for the second physical workshop, in which the Croatian screenwriter, director, and producer Karla Lulić (Dobar film) took part among 24 other participants with the TV project ‘Dear Insects and Other Creepy Stories’ - an adaptation of the award-winning novel by author Maša Kolanović.
The Creative Europe Desks have gathered 24 screenwriters from 15 European countries, intending to connect them and exchange knowledge. Mentors (screenwriting consultants) Miguel Machalski and Claire Armspach (STV Productions) led the training programme.
Karla Lulić, as the only Croatian representative, said the following about the overall experience at this year's edition of the European Writers Desk:
"Through this participation, CED - MEDIA Office Croatia gave our TV series project ‘Dear Insects and Other Creepy Stories’, which is an adaptation of the award-winning novel by the author Maša Kolanović, an opportunity to be presented in the international context of authors and producers, but also gave us a chance to test the international potential of the series. I am extremely proud of the fact that the series project and the stories it covers resonate with different cultures and worldviews and that they have universal themes and dark humor that very successfully break through borders.
Since the genre of the series itself is an anthology of dark-humorous drama, my participation aims to test the format and approach to the narrative with the authors and mentors and to find what makes the series unique in the landscape of European cinema. Also, we aim to optimise the narrative structure so that from episode to episode, although each story is on its own, we can create a "hook" for the viewers and connect the stories into one coherent whole.
A large number of established screenwriters and authors gathered in Hamburg, from whom, as a young up-and-coming author, I could really learn a lot and be inspired thanks to their experience. This type of networking is important for the growth and development of careers of young authors, but also indirectly for the Croatian film industry. Many thanks for this opportunity."
Karla Lulić is a Croatian screenwriter, director, and producer who has a master's degree in film and TV production from the Sorbonne University in Paris. She is the founder of the Croatian production company Dobar Film, dedicated to filming quality international films that flirt with genres. She is an external associate at the University Sjever on the course 'Multimedia Production' and is a member of the Society of Croatian Film Directors (DHFR) and the Association of Screenwriters and Writers of Performing Works (SPID). So far, she has produced three short and award-winning feature films: ‘In the Name of Strawberry, Chocolate and the Holy Spirit’ (2018), ‘Following...' (2020) and ‘Split Ends’ (2023). She is currently developing her first feature film ‘Mirror of Nightingales’ and the ‘TV series Dear Insects and Other Creepy Stories’.
More online meetings are planned until the end of the year, and more details about the participation of screenwriters from Croatia with a focus on TV series in development will be announced later.