
DKE – Uredi MEDIA iz Bugarske, Hrvatske i Baskije u sklopu 72. Međunarodnog filmskog festivala u San Sebastiánu!

DKE – Ured MEDIA Hrvatske najavljuje sudjelovanje na događanju u sklopu 72. izdanja Međunarodnog filmskog festivala u San Sebastiánu!

Creative Europe MEDIA Desks from Bulgaria, Croatia and Basque at the 72nd San Sebastian International Film Festival!

CED - MEDIA Office Croatia announces its participation at the event as part of the 72nd edition of the San Sebastian International Film Festival!
DKE – Ured MEDIA Hrvatske

DKE – Ured MEDIA Hrvatske najavljuje sudjelovanje na događanju u sklopu 72. izdanja Međunarodnog filmskog festivala u San Sebastiánu!

Međunarodni filmski festival u San Sebastiánu, koji se etablirao kao jedan od najvažnijih kinematografskih festivala u svijetu te je i jedan od festivala s akreditacijom FIAPF-a, ove će se godine održati od 20. do 28. rujna. Njegov industrijski sektor svim sudionicima pruža platformu koja je osmišljena kako bi im olakšala rad tijekom sudjelovanja na festivalu te pomogla u promicanju filmova i audiovizualnih projekata predstavljenih u sekcijama festivala.

Tako će u sklopu SSIFF-a 24. rujna s početkom u 10.30 sati DKE – Uredi MEDIA iz Baskije, Bugarske, Hrvatske i Srbije organizirati networking event te, uz razgovor sa sudionicima, ponuditi informacije o mogućnostima koprodukcije u tim zemljama, kao i o detaljima poziva Potprograma MEDIA.

Događaju će prisustvovati sljedeći predstavnici Ureda MEDIA:

  • Kamen Balkanski, DKE Bugarska
  • Ainhoa ​​González, DKE Euskadi
  • Martina Petrović, DKE Hrvatska
  • Una Domazetoski, DKE Srbija

Više informacija o Međunarodnom filmskom festivalu u San Sebastianu možete pronaći ovdje.

CED - MEDIA Office Croatia announces its participation at the event as part of the 72nd edition of the San Sebastian International Film Festival!

The San Sebastian International Film Festival, which has established itself as one of the most important cinema festivals in the world, being one of the festivals accredited by the FIAPF, is taking place from September 20-28 this year. Its Industry Department offer all industry members a platform conceived to facilitate their work during their participation in the festival and to help promoting films and audiovisual projects presented in the Festival sections.

During the SSIFF, on September 24, starting at 10:30 A.M., CED – MEDIA Offices from Basque, Bulgaria, Croatia and Serbia will organize a networking event and offer information on co-production possibilities in these countries as well as details regarding the calls for proposals of Creative Europe MEDIA.

The following representatives of MEDIA Offices will be present at the event:

  • Kamen Balkanski, CED Bulgaria
  • Martina Petrović, CED Croatia
  • Ainhoa González, CED Euskadi
  • Una Domazetoski, CED Serbia

More information about San Sebastian International Film Festival can be found here.

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