Međunarodni festival kratkog filma u Linzu svoje djelovanje započinje 2018. godine kako bi podržao mlade i talentirane filmaše u njihovu radu, ali i kako bi im istodobno pružio priliku da svoje kreacije predstave u profesionalnom okruženju.Dok se stotine nezavisnih kratkih filmova prikazivalo na platnima u Linzu od 9. do 12. listopada o.g., raznovrstan program festivala bio je upotpunjen raznolikim programom diskusija i radionica.
U sklopu ovogodišnjeg izdanja festivala održalo se i treće izdanje Talent akademije koja naglasak stavlja na razvoj novih filmskih projekata i odabranih talentiranih filmaša. Naime, kreatori devet odabranih projekata imali su priliku sudjelovati na Short Film Labu gdje su pod stručnim vodstvom razvijali svoj sljedeći kratki film u pripremi za Pitch sesiju na Linz ISFF-u gdje će imati priliku natjecati se za koprodukcijski fond. Naime, u sklopu programa sudionici su se okupili na 4-dnevnoj rezidenciji tijekom Međunarodnog filmskog festivala u Cannesu uranjajući u inspirativno okruženje, a nakon vremena provedenog u Cannesu program je nastavljen online obukom opremajući sudionike vještinama za učinkovito predstavljanje njihovih projekata na Linz ISFF-u i drugim filmskim događanjima. Filmovi svih sudionika bit će prikazani na festivalu slaveći njihova kreativna postignuća.
Pitch sesija na Linz ISFF-u, održala se 12. listopada o.g., ponudila je odabranim filmašima s festivalske Talent akademije jedinstvenu priliku predstaviti svoje projekte razvijene tijekom šest mjeseci online mentorstva, obogaćene rezidencijom na festivalu u Cannesu. No ova platforma nije bila samo otvorena za one koji su predstavljali svoje projekte, nego i za sve filmaše koji kao članovi publike su željeli steći uvid u proces snimanja filmova i učinkovite strategije predstavljanja.
Tijekom Short Film Laba sudionici su predvođeni stručnim mentorima, a jedna od mentorica bila je i Martina Petrović, voditeljica DKE – Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske, dok su drugi mentori bili Isabelle Fauvel (Initiative Film), Flavio Armone (Lights On - International Distribution Agency) i Christina Pelekani (savjetnica za marketing i distribuciju / Agencija Endorfin).
Uz ulogu mentorice, Martina Petrović u programu je sudjelovala i kao članica pitching žirija koji je odlučivao o nagradi za najbolji projekt predstavljen u sklopu Talent akademije, kao i nagradi koja se odnosi na sudjelovanje u sklopu „Let's pitch some shorts! “ 2025. godine te nagradi koja podrazumijeva mentorstvo u obliku savjetovanja i izrade festivalske i distribucijske strategije.
Projektu 'SOS' autorice i redateljice Anite Morina (Hrvatska, Kosovo) dodijeljena je nagrada mentorstvo DKE – Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske, i to u obliku savjetovanja prilikom izrade festivalske i distribucijske strategija uz sljedeće obrazloženje:
„Ovaj projekt ima velik potencijal povezivanja s festivalskom publikom, što ga čini idealnim kandidatom za mentorstvo u festivalskoj i distribucijskoj strategiji. Upravo zbog njegova obećavajućeg potencijala i sposobnosti da odjekne kod šire publike, zadovoljstvo nam je dodijeliti nagradu projektu 'SOS' Anite Morine.“
Projektu 'Chui Thermal' autorice i redateljice Larisse Murai (Brazil) dodijeljena je nagrada direktnog sudjelovanja u sklopu „Let's pitch some shorts!“ 2025. godine, i to uz sljedeće obrazloženje:
„Ovaj projekt predstavlja snažnu, jasnu i uvjerljivu priču vođenu ženama te koja može univerzalno rezonirati. Njegova relativna priča ima potencijal za povezivanje sa širokom publikom te ga čini uzbudljivim projektom za gledanje. Prilika za daljnjim sudjelovanjem na 'Let's pitch some shorts!' događanju 2025. godine u Zagrebu, u Hrvatskoj, bit će ključna u pomoći pri razvoju projekta pružajući vrijedne prilike za umrežavanje te ključna partnerstva. Za obećavajući i moćan pitching s velikim zadovoljstvom dodjeljujemo nagradu Larissi Murai za projekt 'Chui Thermal'.“
Najboljem projektu pitching događanja dodijeljena je nagrada koprodukcijskog fonda u iznosu od 2000 eura u suradnji Closefilma iz Linza te DKE – Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske projektu 'Freske sjećanja' autorice i redateljice Alexandre Dzhingaskaya (Ukrajina, Austrija), i to uz sljedeće obrazloženje:
„Ovaj se projekt ističe svojom jasnoćom i kreativnošću s redateljicom koja predstavlja uvjerljivu viziju koja odjekuje sa suvremenom publikom. Pitching je majstorski prenio važnost priče jasno dajući do znanja koliko je osobna, a još uvijek ima širu zainteresiranost. Očit je i dubok angažman scenaristice/redateljice tijekom cijelog razvojnog procesa koji pokazuje snažnu predanost i strast prema projektu. Za ovaj izvanredan pitching i viziju zadovoljstvo nam je dodijeliti Alexandri Dzhingaskaya koprodukcijski fond za njezin projekt 'Freske sjećanja'.“
Osim toga, u sklopu samog festivala Martina Petrović, voditeljica DKE – Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske, održala je 11. listopada o.g. masterclass pod nazivom „Tips & Tricks za talente u usponu“ koji se fokusirao na savjete i trikove kada je riječ o pripremama za pitching i prezentaciju projekata kratkih filmova za radionice i sajmove, kao i na mogućnosti financiranja kratkih filmova u sklopu Potprograma MEDIA Programa Kreativne Europe. Kroz praktične vježbe i interaktivni pristup gosti iz industrije i filmaši dobili su uvid u to kako pripremiti i prezentirati svoje projekte, kao i naučiti više o pitching događajima i mogućnostima financiranja kratkih filmova.
Kratki film važan je aspekt u razvoju svakog filmskog autora te je upravo zbog toga usavršavanje kratkometražnih projekata uz stručne mentore i radionice ključan faktor njihova uspjeha. Isto tako, filmska industrija mora naglasak staviti na umrežavanje autora i poticanje razvijanja koprodukcija kako bi rezultat bilo poduzetno i efikasno okruženje za sve filmske djelatnike.
Više informacija o Međunarodnom festivalu kratkog filma u Linzu moguće je pronaći ovdje.
Linz International Short Film Festival began its activities in 2018 with the aim to support young and talented filmmakers in their work, but also to allow them to present their creations in a professional environment. While hundreds of independent short films were screened from October 9-12, 2024, in Linz, the diverse programming of the festival were complemented by diverse panel discussions and workshops.
Within this year's edition of the festival, the third edition of the Talent Academy took place, emphasizing the development of new film projects and selected talented filmmakers. The creators of nine selected projects had the opportunity to participate in the Short Film Lab, where they developed their next short film under professional guidance in preparation for a Pitch Session and the chance to compete for a Co-production Fund. As part of the Talent Programme, participants gathered for a 4-day residency during the Cannes Film Festival, immersing themselves in an inspiring environment. Following their time at Cannes, the program continued with online courses, equipping participants with the skills to effectively pitch their projects at the Linz ISFF and other film events. The films produced by all participants will be showcased at the Festival, celebrating their creative achievements.
The Pitch Session at Linz ISFF took place on October 12, 2024, offered the selected filmmakers from the festival's Talent Academy a unique opportunity to present their projects, developed over six months of online mentoring, enriched by their residency at the Cannes Festival. This platform was open not only to those pitching their projects but also to all filmmakers eager to gain insights into the filmmaking process and effective pitching strategies as audience members.
During the Short Film Lab, participants were guided by expert mentors, one of which was Martina Petrović, Head of CED - MEDIA Office Croatia, along with Isabelle Fauvel (Initiative Film), Flavio Armone (kights On - International Distribution Agency) and Christina Pelekani (Marketing & Distribution Consultant / Endorphin Agency).
In addition to the role of mentor, Martina Petrović, participated within the programme as a member of the pitching jury, which decided on the award for the best short film presented within the Talent Academy, the prize related to participation in the "Let's pitch some shorts! " in 2025 as well as the prize which included mentoring in the form of consulting and creating both: festival and distribution strategies.
The project 'SOS' by the author and director Anita Morina (Croatia, Kosovo) was awarded the mentorship award on behalf of the Creative Europe MEDIA Desk Croatia, in the form of mentoring related to festival and distribution strategies with the following explanation:
“This project has tremendous potential to connect with festival audiences right away, making it an ideal candidate for the mentoring in festival and distribution strategies. For its promising potential and ability to resonate with audiences, we are pleased to award ‘SOS’ by Anita Morina”.
The project 'Chui Thermal' by author and director Larissa Murai (Brazil) was awarded the prize of direct participation as part of "Let's pitch some shorts!" in 2025, with the following explanation:
“This project presents a strong, clear, and compelling female-driven story that resonates universally. Its relatable narrative has the potential to connect with a broad audience, making it an exciting project to watch. The opportunity for further participation at the ‘Let’s pitch some shorts!” event in 2025, Zagreb, Croatia, will be instrumental in helping the project grow, providing valuable networking opportunities and essential partnerships. For that promising and powerful pitch, we are excited to award Larissa Murai with the participation at the workshop event ‘Let’s pitch some shorts!” for ‘Chui Thermal’.”
The best project of the pitching event was awarded the prize of the co-production fund in the amount of 2000 euros in cooperation between Closefilm from Linz and Creative Europe MEDIA Desk Croatia to the project 'Frescoes of Memory' by the author and director Alexandra Dzhingaskaya (Ukraine, Austria), with the following explanation:
“This project stands out for its clarity and creativity with the filmmaker presenting a compelling vision that resonates with contemporary audiences. The pitch masterfully conveyed the significance of the story, making it clear how personal it is while still having wide appeal. The writer / director’s deep engagement throughout the entire development process was evident, showcasing a strong commitment and passion for the project. For this outstanding pitch and vision, we are pleased to award Alexandra Dzhingaskaya with the Coproduction Fund for her project ‘Frescoes of Memory’.”
Finally, on October 11th Martina Petrović, Head of CED - MEDIA Office Croatia, held a masterclass titled “Tips & Tricks for Emerging Talents” focusing on tips and tricks when it comes to pitching training and the presentation of short film projects for workshops and markets, as well as funding opportunities for short films within Creative Europe MEDIA and beyond. Through practical exercises and interactive approach, industry guests and filmmakers gained an insight into how to prepare and present their projects as well as learn about pitching events and funding opportunities for short films.
The short film is an important aspect in the development of every filmmaker, and because of this, the improvement of short film projects with professional mentors and workshops is a key factor in their success. Likewise, the film industry must emphasize the networking of authors and encourage the development of co-productions to create an enterprising and efficient environment for all film workers.
Additional information about the Linz International Short Film Festival is available here.
The list of projects selected for this year’s edition of Talent Academy can be found here.