

Series Rough Pitch – The Balkan Way #3

DKE – Uredi MEDIA iz Hrvatske, Bugarske, Crne Gore, Grčke, Mađarske, Sjeverne Makedonije i Srbije organiziraju novo online događanje posvećeno igranim TV serijama u razvoju pod nazivom Series Rough Pitch – The Balkan Way.

Series Rough Pitch – The Balkan Way#3

CED - MEDIA offices from Croatia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Greece, Hungary, North Macedonia and Serbia are organizing a new online event dedicated to feature TV series in development called Series Rough Pitch - The Balkan Way.
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DKE – Uredi MEDIA iz Hrvatske, Bugarske, Crne Gore, Grčke, Mađarske, Sjeverne Makedonije i Srbije organiziraju novo online događanje posvećeno igranim TV serijama u razvoju pod nazivom Series Rough Pitch – The Balkan Way.

Pitching događanje održat će se online, 30. listopada 2023. s početom u 12 sati, a namijenjeno je projektima za igrane TV serije u razvoju. 

Osam projekata bit će predstavljeno žiriju stručnjakinja iz industrije koji čine Andrea Hoffmann / koordinatorica Co-Pro Series u sklopu Koprodukcijskog sajma u Berlinu, Solène Moreau / koordinatorica programa za pisanje / Series Mania Forum, Grace Maharaj / voditeljica / WIFT Sweden, te Dunja Vujovic iz TV4 Sweden te Anne Lajla Utsi / ravnateljica Međunarodnog Sámi Film Instituta.

Žiri će odlučiti o nagradi u iznosu od 5000 eura koja će se dodijeliti jednom projektu za daljnji razvoj te će dodijeliti i besplatnu akreditaciju za Series Mania 2024. te posebno priznanje koje će dodijeliti tutorice. 

Poziv je bio otvoren prijaviteljima/timovima koji dolaze iz Albanije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Bugarske, Crne Gore, Grčke, Hrvatske, Mađarske, Sjeverne Makedonije, Slovenije i Srbije.

Online radionicu pitching pripreme od 18. do 24. listopada vodile su iskusne međunarodne tutorice Valeria Richter (scenaristica) i Helene Granqvist (producentica).

Događanje je organizirano u suradnji s Hrvatskim audiovizualnim centrom, Bugarskim filmskim centrom, Filmskim centrom Crne Gore, FIlmskom agencijom Sjeverne Makedonije, Filmskim centrom Srbije te uz podršku DKE - Ureda MEDIA Danske.

Ukupno je pristiglo 21 prijava te je odabrano 8 projekata i polaznika trećeg izdanja "Series Rough Pitch - The Balkan Way":

1. Bugarska – projekt Pravo nježno srce (Nadya Todorova / autorica i scenaristica)

2. Crna Gora – projekt Estavela (Matija Jovanović / scenarist i redatelj, Milo Vučinić / scenarist te Nemanja Popović / producent / Makina Production)

3. Grčka - projekt Tamna voda (Orfeas Peretzis / autor i scenarist te Konstantinos Vassilaros / producent / StudioBauhaus)

4. Hrvatska - projekt Dragi kukci i druge jezive priče (Karla Lulić / scenaristica, redateljica, producentica i Jelena Mađarić / producentica / Dobar film )

5. Hrvatska - projekt Stringeri (Nikola Kuprešanin / scenarist / Force Majeure)

6. Mađarska - projekt Klub gnijezda (Bojána Papp / scenaristica / Moviebar Productions)

7. Sjeverna Makedonija – projekt 17/3 (Onur Ozcan / scenarist i redatelj / DNF Films)

8. Srbija – projekt Vuna (Milena Džambasović / producentica / Film Road Production)

Poveznica: Series Rough Pitch – The Balkan Way#3

CED - MEDIA offices from Croatia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Greece, Hungary, North Macedonia and Serbia are organizing a new online event dedicated to feature TV series in development called Series Rough Pitch - The Balkan Way.

The pitching event will be held online on October 30, 2023, starting at 12:00 p.m., and is intended for feature TV series projects in development.

Eight projects will be presented to a jury of industry experts consisting of Andrea Hoffmann / coordinator of the Co-Pro Series as part of the Co-Production Fair in Berlin, Solène Moreau / coordinator of the writing program / Series Mania Forum, Grace Maharaj / host / WIFT Sweden, and Dunja Vujovic from TV4 Sweden and Anne Lajla Utsi / managing director of the International Sámi Film Institute.

The jury will decide on a prize in the amount of EUR 5,000, which will be awarded to one project for further development and will also give the award - free accreditation for Series Mania 2024 and a special mention awarded by the tutors.

The call for applications was open to applicants/teams coming from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia.

The online pitching preparation workshop from October 18 to 24 was led by the experienced international tutors Valeria Richter (screenwriter) and Helene Granqvist (producer).

The event was organised in cooperation with the Croatian Audiovisual Centre, the Bulgarian Film Center, the Film Center of Montenegro, the North Macedonian Film Agency, the Film Center of Serbia and with the support of CED - MEDIA Office Denmark.

A total of 21 applications were received and 8 projects and participants of the third edition of the "Rough Pitch Series - The Balkan Way" were selected.

1. Bulgaria – project True Tender Heart (Nadya Todorova / creator, screenwriter)

2. Montengro – project Estavela (Matija Jovanović / screenwriter, director, Milo Vučinić / scriptwriter te Nemanja Popović / producer / Makina Production)

3. Greece - project Dark Water (Orfeas Peretzis / creator, screenwriter and Konstantinos Vassilaros / producer / StudioBauhaus)

4. Croatia – project Dear Insects and Other Creepy Stories  (Karla Lulić / scriptwriter, director, producer and Jelena Mađarić / producer / Dobar film )

5. Croatia - project Stringers (Nikola Kuprešanin / screenwriter / Force Majeure)

6. Hungary - projekt The Nest Club (Bojána Papp / screenwriter / Moviebar Productions)

7. North Macedonia – project 17/3 (Onur Ozcan / screenwriter, director / DNF Films)

8. Serbia – project Wool (Milena Džambasović /creator,  producer / Film Road Production)

Link: Series Rough Pitch – The Balkan Way#3

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