Rise and Shine, laboratorij za razvoj animacije i pitching za mlade talente i njihove kratke filmove u organizaciji CEE Animationa, ove će se godine održati četvrti put, i to tijekom prestižnih međunarodnih festivala animiranog filma.
Organiziran u suradnji sa Svjetskim festivalom animiranog filma Animafest Zagreb i Međunarodnim festivalom animiranog filma Animateka, ovaj program svojim sudionicima, osim znanja i vještina nužnih za prezentiranje vlastitog rada, nudi priliku da svoje projekte izravno predstave širokoj profesionalnoj međunarodnoj publici.
Naime, jedanaest odabranih projekata imat će priliku sudjelovati na festivalu Animafest Zagreb u lipnju 2025., kao i na nizu predavanja, radionica te individualnih i grupnih sesija s iskusnim filmskim profesionalcima iz područja animacije. Tijekom cijelog programa vodit će ih iskusna scenaristica i pitching mentorica Anna Vášová. Poseban fokus tijekom ovog dijela radionice bit će na priči projekta na kojoj će sudionici raditi s mentorom – scenaristom, redateljem i producentom Pedrom Riverom. Osim toga, istražit će produkcijske specifičnosti svojih projekata s mentoricom, kreativnom producenticom Jelenom Popović (Nacionalni filmski odbor Kanade).
Drugi dio radionice održat će se online u listopadu 2025. kada će se sudionici početi pripreme i rad na svom pitchu. Nakon toga, u prosincu 2025., sudionici će u sklopu slovenskog festivala Animateka imati mogućnost participirati na predavanjima usmjerenima na pripreme za pitching i poboljšanje njihovih prezentacijskih vještina. Naposljetku, odabrani timovi će u Ljubljani sudjelovati u pitching prezentaciji pred međunarodnom publikom i odabranim panelom profesionalaca iz sektora animacije te će se imati priliku natjecati za različite nagrade.
Rise & Shine namijenjen je isključivo producentima ili drugim nositeljima prava za određeni projekt, pri čemu se fokus stavlja na kandidate koji rade na svom prvom ili drugom projektu, dok prijavljeni projekti moraju biti kratki animirani filmovi (max. 20 minuta).
Kako bi se prijavili na program usavršavanja, potrebno je ispuniti obrazac za prijavu te priložiti relevantne materijale kao što su logline, sinopsis, izjave redatelja i producenta, informacije o budžetu, informacije o producentu, redatelju i scenaristu i slično. Rok za prijavu je 10. ožujka 2025.!
Za prijavu na Rise & Shine ne plaća se kotizacija, za oba člana tima pokriveni su troškovi smještaja te jednog obroka dnevno. Sudionici sami snose troškove putovanja.
Detaljne informacije o programu usavršavanja moguće je pronaći na poveznici.
Program je podržao Potprogram MEDIA Programa Kreativne Europe.
Rise and Shine, animation development and pitching Lab for young talents and their short films organized by CEE Animation, will be held for the third time during the prestigious international animation film festivals.
Organized as a collaboration between the World Festival of Animated Film – Animafest Zagreb and Animateka International Animated Film Festival, this programme offers its participants the knowledge and skills necessary to present their own work, as well as the opportunity to present their projects directly to a wide professional international audience.
Eleven selected projects will be invited to Animafest Zagreb in June 2025, where they will receive a programme of lectures, workshops, individual and group sessions with experienced film professionals in the field of animation. During the whole progamme they will be led by experienced scriptwriter and pitching mentor Anna Vašova. A special focus will be on the story of the project, which they will work on with mentor – screenwriter, director and producer Pedro Rivero. Additionally, they will be exploring production specifics for their projects with mentor – creative producer Jelena Popović from National Film Board of Canada.
The second part will take place online in October 2025, where the participants will start to prepare and work on their pitch. Finally, participants will attend Animateka in December 2025, where selected teams will receive lessons focused on pitching preparations and improving their presentation skills. On-site in Ljubljana, the selected teams will also participate in the pitching presentation in front of the international animation audiences and a selected panel of animation professionals, and they will be competing for various awards.
The Rise and Shine programme is designed exclusively for producers or other rights holders for a specific project, the focus being on candidates working on their first or second project, while submitted projects must be short animated films (max. 20 minutes).
To apply for the training programme, it is necessary to fill out the application form and attach materials such as logline, synopsis, statements of the director and producer, budget, information about the producer, director and screenwriter, etc. The application deadline is March 10, 2025!
There is no registration fee for submitting your application or participation fee for selected projects. For each selected project, two members of the participating team will have accommodation costs and one meal per day per person covered. Travel expenses will be paid by the participants.
More information about the programme can be found here.
Rise&Shine is organised with the support of Creative Europe MEDIA.