U partnerstvu sa ZFF-om i Akademijom dramske umjetnosti Odjel za kulturu i komunikacije Instituta za razvoj i međunarodne odnose (IRMO) organizira 15. izdanje Međunarodne konferencije Small Cinemas. Konferencija se održava u sklopu europskog projekta ‘Povećanje međunarodne konkurentnosti filmske industrije na malim europskim tržištima’ (CresCine).
Ponukani projektom digitalizacije neovisnih kina te potrebom i željom za umrežavanjem i suradnjom u programskom osposobljavanju i promidžbi, 2014. godine osnovana je Hrvatska mreža nezavisnih kinoprikazivača (Kino mreža) koju čini 27 kinoprikazivača iz 24 grada i mjesta, uključujući i otoke. Glavni cilj bio je ojačati poziciju nezavisnih kinoprikazivača unutar filmske industrije te pokrenuti i razviti filmsku kulturu u svim njezinim oblicima diljem Hrvatske. Deset godina od osnivanja, što se može istaknuti kao glavni uspjeh Kino mreže? Nadalje, propitivali su se glavni izazovi za njezine članice u razvoju kinematografske infrastrukture, programiranja, filmske pismenosti i razvoja publike? Koje su dobre prakse koje su uspostavljene i koje su naučene lekcije koje se mogu koristiti za druga mala europska kina? Putem panel-diskusije pokušali su se naći odgovori na sva ta pitanja te pokrenuti rasprava o ključnoj ulozi nezavisnih kina u kulturnom životu gradova.
Panel o izazovima s kojima se susreću nezavisni kinoprikazivači u Hrvatskoj na kojem će sudjelovati predstavnici i predstavnice Kino mreže: Maja Holek (POU Koprivnica/Kino Velebit), Renata Kiršić Veselica (POU Labin/Kino Labin), Goran Plantak (POU Varaždin/Kino Gaj) te Alen Munitić (FMFS). Panel će moderirati Martina Petrović, voditeljica DKE – Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske.
Više informacija ovdje:
Panel 'Izazovi s kojima se susreću nezavisni kinoprikazivači u Hrvatskoj'
In partnership with ZFF and the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb, the Department for Culture and Communication of the Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO) is organizing the 15th Annual International Small Cinemas Conference: Changing Policies, Transforming Audiences and Work Practices In-flux. The conference is held as part of the EU project ‘Increasing the International Competitiveness of the Film Industry in Small European Markets’ (CresCine).
Prompted by the project of the digitalisation of independent cinemas and the need and wish for networking and collaboration in terms of programme training and promotion, in 2014 the Croatian Independent Cinemas Network (Kino mreža) was founded by 27 cinema exhibitors from 24 cities and towns. The main aim was to strengthen the position of independent cinemas within the film industry and launch and develop film culture in all its forms across Croatia. After ten years of its establishment, what can be highlighted as the main successes of the Network? Furthermore, what are the main challenges for its members regarding the development of cinema infrastructure, programming, film literacy, and audience development? What are the good practices that have been established and what are the lessons learned that can be used for other small European cinemas? To answer these questions and open up the discussion on the crucial role independent cinemas have for the cultural lives of the cities, we have invited members of the network from different parts of Croatia to share their knowledge and experience.
A panel on the challenges faced by independent cinema network in Croatia. The panel will be attended by the following representatives of ‘Kino mreža’: Maja Holek, Open University Koprivnica/Cinema Velebit, Renata Kiršić Veselica, Open University Labin/Cinema Labin, Goran Plantak, Open University Varaždin/Cinema Gaj and Alen Munitić, MFFS. The panel will be moderated by Martina Petrović, Head of CED – MEDIA Office Croatia.
More information can be found here:
Panel 'Challenges faced by independent movie theaters in Croatia'