MIDPOINT Intensive Croatia četverodnevni je program edukacije u organizaciji MIDPOINT Instituta, Industrije ZFF-a i Hrvatskog audiovizualnog centra namijenjen profesionalcima iz Hrvatske koji razvijaju kratkometražne igrane projekte.
Osim što će sudionici tijekom radionice raditi na kreativnom razvoju svojih scenarija, program će se bazirati na grupnom radu u malim skupinama te na individualnim konzultacijama s iskusnim savjetnikom za scenarije.
MIDPOINT Intensive održat će se u sklopu ovogodišnjeg Zagreb Film Festivala, i to od 5. do 8. studenoga 2024. godine.
Prijave su otvorene za kreativne timove producenata, redatelja i/ili scenarista s projektom kratkog igranog filma u razvoju. Rok za prijavu je 1. rujna 2024.!
Za prijavu na radionicu potrebno je na e-mail infoindustry@zff.hr poslati sljedeće materijale (na engleskom jeziku):
1. Osnovne informacije o projektu:
2. Kratki sinopsis (do 1000 znakova)
3. Treatment (2 - 3 stranice) / (ako već postoji scenarij, možete ga priložiti kao dodatni materijal uz prijavu)
4. Motivacija autora (0,5 - 1 stranica)
Opis autorova pristupa priči i temi:
5. Preliminarni plan financiranja (u Excel formatu)
6. Izjava producenta (0,5 - 1 stranica)
Producentov pristup projektu:
7. Profil produkcijske kuće (do 1000 znakova)
8. Kratke profesionalne biografije svih članova tima (do 1000 znakova po biografiji)
9. Fotografije svih članova tima
10. Redateljev dosadašnji rad (najviše 2 poveznice)
11. Moodboard (nije obvezno).
Radionica je besplatna za sve sudionike.
Više informacija o radionici dostupno je ovdje.
MIDPOINT Intensive Croatia is a four-day education program organized by the MIDPOINT Institute, Industry ZFF and the Croatian Audiovisual Center, designed for professionals from Croatia developing short feature projects.
In addition to participants working on the creative development of their scripts during the workshop, the programme will be based on group work and on individual consultations with an experienced script consultant.
MIDPOINT Intensive will be held as part of this year’s Zagreb Film Festival (5 – 8 November 2024).
Applications are open to creative teams of producers, directors and/or screenwriters with a short feature film project in development. The application deadline is September 1, 2024!
To register for the workshop, please send the following materials (in English) to the e-mail address infoindustry@zff.hr:
1. Basic information about the project:
2. Short synopsis (max. 1000 characters)
3. Treatment (2-3 pages) / (if you already have a script, you can attach it to the application as supplementary material)
4. Author’s motivation (0.5-1 pages)
Description of the author’s approach to the story and topic:
5. Preliminary financing plan (in Excel document)
6. Producer’s statement (0.5-1 pages)
The producer’s approach to the project:
7. Production house profile (max. 1000 characters)
8. Short professional biographies of all team members (max. 1000 characters per bio)
9. Photographs of all team members
10. Director’s previous works (max. 2 links)
11. Moodboard (not obligatory)
The workshop is free of charge for all participants.
Additional information about the workshop can be found here.