Martina Petrović, voditeljica DKE – Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske, održat će info dan s fokusom na Kreativnu Europu MEDIA s naglaskom na smjernice (tzv. tips & tricks) uključujući i pravi trenutak za pripremu i prijavu vlastitog filmskog projekta vezanu uz pozive Potprograma MEDIA, pojašnjenja kao bitnih aspekata ispunjavanja prijavnih obrazaca kao i isticanje najvažnijih segmenata primjera dobre prakse. Osim toga, pozabavit ćemo se važnošću financiranja kratkih filmova u sklpu Kreativne Europe MEDIA putem poziva mini-slate / slate (skupnih pozivaza financiranje) kao poticaja za nove talente
Između 2021. i 2027. godine dodjeljuje se 2,44 milijarde eura za potporu europskim projektima s ciljem dosezanja nove publike, promicanja razmjene vještina i znanja te jačanja kapaciteta audiovizualnih, kulturnih i kreativnih organizacija. Kreativna Europa MEDIA jedino je financiranje EU-a koje sufinancira AV sektor, a 58% ukupnog proračuna Kreativne Europe rezervirano je upravo za razvoj EU AV industrije.
Više: MEDIA Info Day – Linz International Short FF
Martina Petrovic, Head of CED – MEDIA Office Croatia, will held an info day focusing on Creative Europe MEDIA with an emphasis on guidelines (tips & tricks) including the right moment to prepare and submit your own film project based on the MEDIA Sub-programme calls, clarifications regarding important aspects of filling out application forms as well as highlighting the most important segments of examples of good practices. In addition, we are going to tackle the importance of financing short films within the Creative Europe MEDIA through mini-slate and slate funding calls as an incentive for new talents.
Between 2021 and 2027, 2.44 billion EUR are being allocated in support of European projects with the aim to reach new audiences, promote the exchange of skills and knowledge and strengthen the capacity of audiovisual, cultural and creative organizations. The Creative Europe MEDIA is the only EU funding that supports the AV sector, and 58% of a total Creative Europe budget is reserved for the development of the EU AV industry.
More: MEDIA Info Day – Linz International Short FF