

Last Stop Trieste & This is IT 2025

Međunarodni filmski festival u Trstu i koprodukcijski forum When East Meets West predstavljaju još dva programa koja će se održati u Trstu u siječnju 2025. godine – Last Stop Trieste i This is IT!

Last Stop Trieste & This is IT 2025

The Trieste Film Festival and the When East Meets West Co-Production Forum present two more programmes that will take place in Trieste in January 2025 – Last Stop Trieste and This is IT!
Trst (Italija)
Trieste (Italy)

Međunarodni filmski festival u Trstu i koprodukcijski forum When East Meets West predstavljaju još dva programa koja će se održati u Trstu u siječnju 2025. godine – Last Stop Trieste i This is IT!

Last Stop Trieste, koji će se u svome jedanaestom izdanju održavati od 19. do 22. siječnja 2025. u Trstu, predstavlja sektor u sklopu Međunarodnog filmskog festivala u Trstu namijenjen dokumentarnim projektima u fazi fine cut, a koji su prethodno razvijeni ili predstavljeni na jednoj od sljedećih partnerskih platformi: Ex-Oriente Film Workshop, BDC Discoveries, Docu Rough Cut Boutique, Baltic Sea Docs, ZagrebDox PRO te When East Meets West. 

Naime, u ovoj specifičnoj hibridnoj kombinaciji tržišta i festivala odabrani dokumentarni filmovi dobit će priliku biti prikazani ekskluzivnoj platformi međunarodnih prodajnih agenata, festivalskih organizatora i TV urednika kako bi se maksimizirao njihov potencijal za festivalsku premijeru te pronalazak prodajnog agenta i termina za emitiranje. Osim toga, svi odabrani timovi sudjelovat će u moderiranoj povratnoj sesiji s donositeljima odluka.

Svi odabrani projekti bit će u utrci za HBO Europe Award, novčanu nagradu u vrijednosti od 1000 eura, Nagradu Filmskog centra Crne Gore, novčanu nagradu u vrijednosti od 2000 eura, te Arte Video Award koja obuhvaća kompletno ocjenjivanje boja cijelog filma, DCP, MASTER i LTO arhiviranje u ukupnoj vrijednosti od 10.000 eura.

Last Stop Trieste program je namijenjen dugometražnim dokumentarnim projektima (min. 60 minuta) koji su u fazi detaljnog uređivanja, a koji će biti finalizirani najkasnije do siječnja 2025. godine.

Prijave za Last Stop Trieste odvijaju se na poveznici na kojoj je potrebno otvoriti račun te slijediti upute unutar samog obrasca. Materijali za prijavu, kao i titlovi priloženih videa moraju biti na engleskom jeziku, a prijavljeni videomaterijal mora biti u trajanju između 45 i 60 minuta. Rok za prijavu je 5. studenoga 2024. godine.

Za prijavu se ne plaća kotizacija.

Dodatne informacije o programu Last Stop Trieste možete pronaći na poveznici

This is IT, čije se nadolazeće izdanje održati 21. siječnja 2025. u sklopu Međunarodnog filmskog festivala u Trstu, segment je When East Meets West foruma koji je isključivo posvećen dugometražnim igranim filmovima sa snažnim vizualnim i umjetničkim pristupom, a koji su u produkciji/koprodukciji talijanskih producenata ili onih koji dolaze iz bilo koje zemlje u središtu pozornosti ovogodišnjeg WEMW izdanja: Estonija, Latvija, Litva, Belgija, Luksemburg i Nizozemska.

Odabrani će timovi u sklopu ovog događanja dobiti priliku predstaviti svoje radove i prikazati ih pred ekskluzivnim panelom međunarodnih prodajnih agenata, festivalskih organizatora i kupaca. Osim toga, svi odabrani filmovi natjecat će se za nagradu Laser Film Award, koja se sastoji od četiri dana usluga ocjenjivanja boja i 1 DCP-a u ukupnoj vrijednosti od 10.000 eura.

This is IT program namijenjen je igranim filmovima s potencijalom za prikazivanje u kinima (minimalno trajanje 70 minuta). Projekt može biti u različitim fazama postprodukcije, iako se preporučuje da bude u ranoj fazi uređivanja te da je još uvijek u potrazi za međunarodnom distribucijom i festivalskom premijerom. Osim toga, projekti moraju biti recentni te trebaju pokazivati potencijal za međunarodno tržište.

Prijave za This is IT odvijaju se putem poveznice, gdje je potrebno otvoriti račun te slijediti upute unutar samog obrasca. Materijali za prijavu, kao i titlovi priloženih videa moraju biti na engleskom jeziku, dok prijavljeni video materijal mora biti u trajanju od najmanje 15 minuta te sadržavati ili jednu punu ili tri odvojene scene. Sve prijave moraju podnijeti talijanski producent/koproducent ili producent iz jedne od zemalja u fokusu. Rok za prijavu je 5. studenog 2024., a odabrani projekti bit će objavljeni sredinom prosinca.

Dodatne informacije o This is IT događanju možete pronaći na poveznici.

The Trieste Film Festival and the When East Meets West Co-Production Forum present two more programmes that will take place in Trieste in January 2025 – Last Stop Trieste and This is IT!

Last Stop Trieste, which will have its eleventh edition from January 19 to 22, 2025 in Trieste, is a sector within the Trieste Film Festival designed for documentary projects in the fine cut stage, which were previously developed or presented at to one of the following partner platforms: Ex-Oriente Film Workshop, BDC Discoveries, Docu Rough Cut Boutique, Baltic Sea Docs, ZagrebDox PRO and When East Meets West.

Within this specific hybrid combination of market and festival, selected documentaries will have the opportunity to be screened to the exclusive platform of international sales agents, festival organizers and TV editors enhancing their potential for finding festival premiere, sales agents and broadcasting slot. In addition, all selected teams will participate in a moderated feedback session with decision makers.

All selected projects will be in the running for the HBO Europe Award, a cash prize worth 1,000 euros, the Film Center of Montenegro Award, a cash prize worth 2,000 euros, and the Arte Video Award, which includes a complete color grading of the entire film, DCP, MASTER and LTO archiving for the total value of 10,000 euros.

The Last Stop Trieste programme is open for feature-length documentary projects (min. 60 minutes) which are at a fine cut stage and should have a full cut by January 2025.

Applications for Last Stop Trieste take place here, where it is necessary to create an account and follow the instructions within the application form. The application materials, as well as the subtitles of the attached videos, must be in English, and the submitted video material must be between 45 and 60 minutes long. The application deadline is November 5, 2024.

There is no registration fee.

Additional information about the Last Stop Trieste programme can be found here.

The upcoming edition of This is IT, which will be held on January 21, 2025 as part of the Trieste Film Festival, is a section of the When East Meets West forum that is exclusively dedicated to feature films with a strong visual and artistic approach, which are produced/co-produced by Italian producers or those coming from any of the countries in focus of this year's WEMW edition: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

Within this event, selected teams will have the opportunity to present their work and display it in front of an exclusive panel of international sales agents, festival organizers and buyers. In addition, all selected films will compete for the Laser Film Award, which consists of four days of colour grading services and 1 DCP for a total value of 10.000 euros.

This is IT programme is open for feature films with the potential to be shown in cinemas (minimum duration 70 minutes). The project may be in various stages of post-production, although it is recommended  to be in its early editing phase and still looking for international distribution and festival premiere. In addition, the projects must be recent and should show potential for the international market.

Applications for This is IT take place on this link, where it is necessary to create an account and follow the instructions within the application form. The application materials, as well as the subtitles of the attached videos, must be in English, while the submitted video material must be at least 15 minutes long and contain either one full scene or three separate scenes. All applications must be submitted by an Italian producer/co-producer or a producer from one of the focus countries. The application deadline is November 5, 2024, and the selected projects will be announced in mid-December.

Additional information about This is IT can be found here.

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