Martina Petrović, voditeljica DKE – Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske, sudjeluje u sklopu Međunarodnog filmskog festivala Crossing Europe u Linzu i to u (su)organizaciji događanja „ Kreativna Europa – što tu ima za mene?“.
Deskovi Kreativne Europe – Uredi MEDIA iz Austrije i Hrvatske zajednički organiziraju događanje pod nazivom „Kreativna Europa – što tu ima za mene?“, koje će se održati 27. travnja 2023. u sklopu Međunarodnog filmskog festivala Crossing Europe u Linzu.
Događanje će fokus staviti na mogućnosti sufinanciranja Potprograma MEDIA Programa Kreativna Europa 2021. – 2027., a sve u sklopu neformalnog druženja putem kojeg će se sudionici festivala moći upoznati i povezati.
Martina Petrović, Head of CED - MEDIA Office Croatia, is participating in the Crossing Europe International Film Festival in Linz, in the (co)organisation of the event "Creative Europe - What's In It For Me?"!
Creative Europe Desks - MEDIA offices from Austria and Croatia are jointly organising an event called "Creative Europe - What's In It For Me?", which will take place on April 27, 2023, as part of the Crossing Europe International Film Festival in Linz.
The event will focus on the possibilities of co-financing within the MEDIA Sub-programme of the Creative Europe Programme 2021-2027, and all as part of an informal gathering through which festival participants will be able to get to know each other, network and connect.