

ISI | The Audience Design Lab / Rok za prijavu 3. 3. 2025.

International Screen Institute najavljuje The Audience Design Lab, radionicu čiji je cilj podržati filmaše predstavljajući im metodologiju Audience Designa (razvoja publike) te pružanjem podrške timovima pri definiranju i razumijevanju njihove ciljane publike.

ISI | The Audience Design Lab / Application deadline March 3, 2025

The International Screen Institute presents The Audience Design Lab, a workshop aimed to support filmmakers by introducing the methodology of Audience Design and supporting teams with defining and understanding their target audience.
Beč (Austrija)
Vienna (Austria)

International Screen Institute najavljuje The Audience Design Lab, radionicu čiji je cilj podržati filmaše predstavljajući im metodologiju Audience Designa (razvoja publike) te pružanjem podrške timovima pri definiranju i razumijevanju njihove ciljane publike.

Da bi film egzistirao u svijetu, mora znati gdje se smjestiti i unutar tržišta, ali i kod svoje publike. Znajući tko predstavlja potencijalnu publiku prije nego što započne dugo, izazovno putovanje neovisnog filmskog stvaralaštva ostvaruju se bolje šanse za njihovo pronalaženje i uključivanje na smislen način.

Tijekom četiri dana do pet filmskih timova imat će priliku sudjelovati na prilagođenoj, kreativnoj radionici povezanoj s njihovim projektom, koju će voditi visokokvalificirani dizajneri publike te u kojoj će istraživati i identificirati potencijalnu publiku i puteve do tržišta za svoj film. Program će biti upotpunjen sesijama jedan na jedan sa stručnjacima za međunarodnu prodaju, festivalsku strategiju i međunarodni publicitet.

U sklopu radionice timovi će doznati kako bolje pozicionirati svoj film te će steći dublje razumijevanje svoje temeljne priče. Osim toga, imat će definirane jedinstvene prodajne točke i ideje o vizualnom identitetu filma i grupama publike te će dobiti uvid u strategije kretanja na tržištu.

The Audience Design Lab održat će se u Beču (Austrija) od 10. do 13. lipnja 2025., a prijave su otvorene za timove igranih, dokumentarnih i animiranih filmova koji su ili u kasnoj fazi razvoja ili su dovršeni. Za projekte u razvoju radionica će najviše koristiti timovima koji su svoje projekte već dovoljno razvili da ih se može jasno definirati u smislu priče, žanra, a time i publike. Filmski tim mora se sastojati od producenta i redatelja, a dobrodošao je i treći član glavnog filmskog tima.

Obrazac za prijavu moguće je pronaći na poveznici, a rok za prijavu je 3. ožujka 2025.!

Kotizacija za sudjelovanje iznosi 1950 eura, pri čemu putni i troškovi smještaja nisu uključeni u iznos. Kandidati iz Hrvatske mogu se prijaviti za djelomičnu školarinu.

Više informacija o radionici moguće je pronaći na poveznici.

Program je podržao Potprogram MEDIA Programa Kreativne Europe.

The International Screen Institute presents The Audience Design Lab, a workshop aimed to support filmmakers by introducing the methodology of Audience Design and supporting teams with defining and understanding their target audience.

For a film to exist in the world, it needs to know where it sits both within the market, and with its audiences. Knowing who your potential audiences are before you embark on the long, challenging journey of independent filmmaking will give you better chances of finding and engaging in a meaningful way.

Over the course of four days, up to 5 film teams will each receive a tailored, creative workshop on their project led by a highly skilled Audience Designer in which they will explore and identify potential audiences and routes to market for their film. The Lab will be supported by one-on-one sessions with industry experts in international sales, festival strategy and international publicity.

Following the workshop, teams will come away with knowing how to better position their film, as well as a deeper understanding of their film’s core story. In addition, they will have defined Unique Selling Points and ideas on the film’s visual identity and audience clusters and finally, insights into how to navigate in the marketplace.

The Audience Design Lab will take place in Vienna (Austria) from June 10 to 13, 2025, while applications are open to fiction, documentary, and animated film teams who are either in late development or have completed their feature. For projects in development, it will be most beneficial to teams that have developed their projects far enough that they can be clearly defined in terms of story, genre and thus audiences. The film team must consist of the producer and the director, while a third member of the core film team, if relevant, is welcome to join.

The application form can be found here, while the application deadline is March 3, 2025! 

The registration fee for participation in the programme is 1,950 euros per team of two people. Travel and accommodation expenses are not included in the fee. Candidates from Croatia can apply for partial tuition.

More information about the programme can be found here.

The workshop is supported by the Creative Europe MEDIA.

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