

Creativity 360: Creative Future Insights

'Creativity 360°' naziv je drugog izdanja međunarodne znanstvene konferencije Creativity Future Insights koja će se 14. i 15. rujna 2023. godine održati u sklopu Sveučilišta VERN' u Zagrebu. 

Creativity 360: Creative Future Insights

'Creativity 360°' is the name of the second edition of the international scientific conference Creativity Future Insights, which will take place on September 14 and 15, 2023, at VERN University in Zagreb.
VERN, Zagreb
VERN, Zagreb

'Creativity 360°' naziv je drugog izdanja međunarodne znanstvene konferencije Creativity Future Insights koja će se 14. i 15. rujna 2023. godine održati u sklopu Sveučilišta VERN' u Zagrebu.

Konferenciju zajednički organiziraju Sveučilište VERN' i Ekonomski institut Zagreb, uz partnersku podršku DKE – Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske, a povezat će brojne stručnjake iz područja kreativnih industrija, renomirane uvodničare i predstavnike akademske i poslovne zajednice iz cijele Europe.

U sklopu različitih sesija i panela sudionici će diskutirati o izazovima u jednoj od najdinamičnijih gospodarskih grana Europske unije – kreativnim industrijama, a diskusiju će otvoriti dr. h. c. mult. Doris Pack, nekadašnja predsjednica Odbora za obrazovanje i kulturu Europskog parlamenta.

DKE – Ured MEDIA Hrvatske organizira i moderira panel-diskusiju:

14. rujna 2023. – 'Važnost održivosti u području kreativnih i kulturnih industrija na europskom nivou' naziv je panel-diskusije u sklopu koje će se propitkivati ekološki održive prakse u filmskoj produkciji, primjena zelenog protokola, dobivanje certifikata, kao i uloga tzv. green managera uz sljedeće govornike:

  • Nina Hauser (Green Filming - Austrijski filmski institut) (AT)
  • April Sotomayor (We are Albert) (UK)
  • Morana Ikić Komljenović (producentica – Little Red Dot, Distribute This!) (HR)
  • Moderatorica: Martina Petrović, voditeljica DKE – Ureda MEDIA Hrvatske

'Creativity 360°' is the name of the second edition of the international scientific conference Creativity Future Insights, which will take place on September 14 and 15, 2023, at VERN University in Zagreb.

The conference is jointly organised by VERN' University and the Zagreb Institute of Economics, with the partnership support of CED - MEDIA Office, and which brought together numerous experts from the field of creative industries, renowned keynote speakers and representatives of the academic and business community from all over Europe.

As part of various sessions and panels, the participants will discuss the challenges in one of the most dynamic economic branches of the European Union - creative industries, while the discussion will be opened by Dr. h. c. mult. Doris Pack, former President of the Committee on Education and Culture of the European Parliament.

The CED - MEDIA Office organises and moderates a panel discussion:

14.9.2023. – ‘The importance of sustainability in the field of creative and cultural industries at the European level’ is the name of the panel discussion, tackling environmentally sustainable practices in film production, the implementation of the green protocol and obtaining certificates, as well as the role of the so-called green manager, with the following speakers:

  • Nina Hauser (Green Filming – Austrian Film Institute) (AT) (online)
  • April Sotomayor (Head of Industry Sustainability, We are ALBERT (online)
  • Morana Ikić Komljenović (producer – Little Red Dot, Distribute This!) (HR)
  • Moderator: Martina Petrović, Head of CED – MEDIA Office Croatia
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