

Cinekid Script LAB / Rok za prijavu: 26. 5. 2024.

Cinekid Script LAB jedinstven je šestomjesečni program obuke za scenariste s projektom dječjih filmova ili serija koji je 2014. pokrenuo Cinekid, a održava se tijekom događanja Cinekid for Professionals u listopadu te Berlinalea u veljači sljedeće godine.

Cinekid Script LAB / Application deadline May 26, 2024

Cinekid Script LAB is a unique six-month script-training programme for writers with a children's film or series project. The training was initiated by Cinekid in 2014, and takes place during Cinekid for Professionals in October, and the Berlinale the following February.

Cinekid Script LAB jedinstven je šestomjesečni program obuke za scenariste s projektom dječjih filmova ili serija koji je 2014. pokrenuo Cinekid, a održava se tijekom događanja Cinekid for Professionals u listopadu te Berlinalea u veljači sljedeće godine.

Tijekom Cinekid Script LAB-a međunarodna grupa pisaca i scenarista/redatelja radit će na svojim projektima dječjih igranih filmova ili serija, i to kroz obuku dizajniranu po mjeri, odnosno tako da odgovara na specifične potrebe pisca i priče, a mentori će biti međunarodno priznati savjetnici koji će sudionike gurati do njihovih kreativnih granica.

Program se sastoji od rezidencijalne radionice u sklopu događanja Cinekid for Professionals od 27. listopada do 1. studenoga 2024.; individualne (online) sesije u prosincu 2024. i siječnju 2025.; rezidencijalnog boravka na Berlinaleu u veljači 2025. te individualne (online) sesije u travnju 2025. godine.

Prijave su otvorene za serije i dugometražne filmove u razvoju koji su igrani, animirani ili dokumentarni te koji mogu imati koristi od prilagođenog programa pod vodstvom specijaliziranih mentora (prihvatljivi su samo projekti koji imaju pridruženu produkcijsku tvrtku). Osim toga, projekti moraju biti napisani za publiku od 4 do 12 godina. Cinekid Script LAB prihvaća najviše dva scenarista (ili scenarista/redatelja) po odabranom projektu.

Prijave se odvijaju putem poveznice, a rok za prijavu je 26. svibnja 2024.! Nakon evaluacije stručnog žirija određeni broj kandidata bit će pozvan na selekcijski razgovor u srpnju.

Važno je imati na umu da je u programu moguće sudjelovati bez nominacije, kao i putem nekog od partnerskih instituta. Tako će otprilike 50% projekata biti odabrano preko partnera, a 50% će biti odabrano putem otvorenog poziva. U konačnici, za sudjelovanje će biti odabrano najviše 15 projekata.

Ako su odabrani putem otvorenog poziva, polaznici moraju platiti kotizaciju u iznosu od 6.500 eura, dok se kandidati iz Hrvatske mogu prijaviti za djelomičnu školarinu koju omogućava CineKid te koja pokriva 50% kotizacije. Kotizacija uključuje smještaj u Amsterdamu i Berlinu, kao i akreditaciju za Cinekid for Professionals i akreditaciju za festival Berlinale.

Cinekid Script LAB podržava program Kreativna Europa MEDIA te je rezultat suradnje Cinekid for Professionals i šest europskih instituta: Međunarodni dječji filmski festival u Ateni (GR), Flandrijski audiovizualni fond (BE), Norveški filmski institut (NO), Švedski filmski institut (SE), Nizozemski filmski fond (NL) te Islandski filmski institut (IC).

Više informacija o programu dostupno je putem poveznice.

Cinekid Script LAB is a unique six-month script-training programme for writers with a children's film or series project. The training was initiated by Cinekid in 2014, and takes place during Cinekid for Professionals in October, and the Berlinale the following February.

During the Cinekid Script LAB, an international group of writers and writer/directors will work on their plans for children’s feature films or series. The programme offers tailor-made coaching and training; answering to the specific writer’s and story’s needs, while the coaches are internationally acclaimed advisors who push the participants to their creative limits.

The programme consists of residency at Cinekid for Professionals from October 27 to November 1, 2024; individual (online) session in December 2024 and January 2025; residency at Berlinale in February 2025 and individual aftercare (online) session in April 2025.

Applications are open to series and feature film projects in development that are either live-action, animation or documentary and can benefit of a tailor-made trajectory under the guidance of specialized coaches (only projects that have a production company attached are eligible). In addition, projects must be written for an audience between 4-12 years old. Cinekid Script LAB accepts a maximum of two writers (or writer/director) per selected project.

Applications are made through the following link, and application deadline is May 26, 2024! After the evaluation of the selection committee, a number of the applicants will be invited for a selection interview in July.

It is important to note that it’s possible to participate within the programme without a nomination as well as through one of the partnering institutes. Roughly 50% of the projects are selected through our partners, and 50% will be selected through the open call. The final selection consists of maximum 15 projects.

When selected through the open call, the participants have to cover the fee of 6,500 euros, while candidates from Croatia can apply for partial tuition by CineKid which covers 50% of the participation fee. The fee includes accommodation in Amsterdam and Berlin, as well as a Cinekid for Professionals accreditation and a Festival accreditation for the Berlinale.

Cinekid Script LAB is supported by the Creative Europe MEDIA programme and is a collaboration between Cinekid for Professionals and six European Institutes: Athens International Children's Film Festival (GR), Flanders Audiovisual Fund (BE), Norwegian Film Institute (NO), Swedish Film Institute (SE), Netherlands Film Fund (NL), and the Icelandic Film Institute (IC).

Additional information about the programme can be found here.

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