

APostLab Mentorship Program

APostLab Mentorship Program predstavlja mentorstvo u trajanju do godinu dana namijenjeno supervizorima postprodukcije, koordinatorima, producentima i drugim stručnjacima uključenim u postprodukciju.

APostLab Mentorship Program

APostLab Mentorship Program provides a maximum one year of coaching to post-production supervisors, coordinators, producers, and other professionals involved in post-production.

APostLab Mentorship Program predstavlja mentorstvo u trajanju do godinu dana namijenjeno supervizorima postprodukcije, koordinatorima, producentima i drugim stručnjacima uključenim u postprodukciju.

S rastućom potražnjom za postprodukcijskim upravljanjem, supervizori imaju ključnu ulogu u uspješnom upravljanju projektima. Predvođen iskusnim postsupervizorima, APostLab mentorski program pruža široku podršku sudionicima u njihovu svakodnevnom radu i individualnom profesionalnom razvoju. Osim toga, program obuhvaća mjesečne sesije jedan na jedan u kombinaciji s grupnim sesijama tijekom cijele godine, a osmišljen je za usavršavanje sudionika, čineći ih kompetentnijima u upravljanju projektima i njihovoj profesionalnoj praksi te im pomaže napraviti sljedeći korak u karijeri.

Program je prilagođen početnoj razini svakog polaznika, a mentorske sesije bavit će se širokim rasponom tema u postmenadžmentu te ciljati na ključne profesionalne vještine ovisno o osobnim preferencijama i potrebama.

O vremenu i datumu susreta odlučuju mentori i sudionici, a predviđeno je da program završi u roku od godinu dana.

Program je otvoren za do 6 sudionika, prvenstveno za supervizore postprodukcije i koordinatore koji rade samostalno ili interno te producente i druge profesionalce koji se općenito bave postprodukcijom. Preporučljivo je da kandidat sudjeluje na projektu igranog filma ili serije (igrane ili dokumentarne) tijekom sljedeće godine kako bi dobio najviše od mentorskog programa.

Osim toga, važno je napomenuti da je APostLab Mentorship Program komplementaran program APostLab Annual Workshopu, što znači da sudionici mentorskog programa mogu sudjelovati u nadolazećoj godišnjoj radionici bez potrebe za prijavom.

Za prijavu na APostLab Mentorship Program treba ispuniti prijavnicu te priložiti fotografiju, kratki profil, životopis i motivacijsko pismo. Tim APostLaba pregledat će prijave, a kandidati koji uđu u uži izbor bit će pozvani na razgovor. Rezultati odabira bit će objavljeni ubrzo nakon toga. Rok za prijavu je 4. studenoga 2024.!

Kotizacija za sudjelovanje u programu iznosi 680 eura, što uključuje i online sastanke s mentorima.

Dodatne informacije o radionici moguće je pronaći na poveznici.

Program je podržao Potprogram MEDIA Programa Kreativne Europe.

APostLab Mentorship Program provides a maximum one year of coaching to post-production supervisors, coordinators, producers, and other professionals involved in post-production.

With a growing demand for post-production management, supervisors play a key role in the successful management of projects. Led by experienced post-supervisors, the APostLab Mentorship Program provides extended support to mentees in their day-to-day work and individual professional growth. In addition, the programme offers monthly one-on-one sessions combined with group sessions throughout the year. It is designed to upskill participants, making them more competent in managing projects and their professional practice and help them take the next step in their career.

The programme is adapted to the starting level of each participant and mentoring sessions will address a wide range of topics in post-management and target key professional skills depending on personal preferences and needs.

The time and date of the meetings are decided by the mentors and mentees together, with the engagement designed to be completed within a year.

The program is open for up to 6 participants, primarily for post-production supervisors – and coordinators working independently or in-house, and producers and other professionals who handle post-production in general. It is strongly recommended that the applicant be involved in a feature film or series (fiction or documentary) during the upcoming year to gain the most from the mentorship program.

It is also important to note that the APostLab Mentorship Program is a complementary program to the APostLab Annual Workshop. Mentees in the Mentorship Program can also participate in the following Annual Workshop without having to apply.

To apply to the APostLab Mentorship Program, it is necessary to fill in the application form and upload a photo, short profile, your CV and a motivation letter. The APostLab team will review the applications, and shortlisted applicants will be invited to an interview. Selection results will be announced shortly afterwards. Application deadline is November 4, 2024!

The participation fee for the programme is 680 euros, which includes online meetings with the mentors.

More information about the workshop can be found here.

APostLab is co-funded by the Creative Europe – MEDIA Subprogramme of the European Union.

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